Self-Diagnosis Function Table
1. Self-Diagnosis Function Table
Alarm code Alarm meaning
E06 Outdoor unit failed to receive serial communication signals from indoor unit.
E12 Automatic address setting start is prohibited.
E15 Automatic address setting alarm (too few units)
E16 Automatic address setting alarm (too many units)
E20 No indoor units at automatic address setting.
E24 Outdoor unit failed to receive communications from another outdoor unit.
E25 Outdoor unit address setting failure (duplication)
E26 Mismatch in outdoor unit quantity
E29 Outdoor unit failed to receive communication from another outdoor unit.
E30 Outdoor unit serial communications failure
F04 Compressor 1 discharge temperature sensor trouble
F05 Compressor 2 discharge temperature sensor trouble
F06 Gas temperature sensor trouble at outdoor heat exchanger 1
F07 Liquid temperature sensor trouble at outdoor heat exchanger 1
F08 Outdoor air temperature sensor trouble
F12 Compressor intake temperature sensor trouble
F16 High-pressure sensor trouble
F31 Outdoor unit non-volatile memory (EEPROM) trouble
F17 Low-pressure sensor trouble
F23 Gas temperature sensor trouble at outdoor heat exchanger 2
F24 Liquid temperature sensor trouble at outdoor heat exchanger 2
Compressor 3 overcurrent alarm
Compressor 3 lock current alarm
H03 Compressor 1 CT sensor disconnected or short-circuit
Compressor 3 CT sensor disconnected or short-circuit
Compressor 3 discharge temperature sensor disconnected
H06 Low-pressure trouble
H08 Compressor 1 oil detection sensor (connection) trouble
H13 Compressor 2 CT sensor disconnected or short-circuit
H15 Compressor 2 discharge temperature sensor disconnected
H28 Compressor 3 lock current alarm
H31 HIC trouble alarm
Compressor 2 lock current alarm
L04 Outdoor unit address duplication
L05 Duplicated indoor unit priority (alarm at priority indoor units)
L06 Duplicated indoor unit priority (alarm at non-priority indoor units and outdoor unit)
L10 Outdoor unit capacity not set
L17 Outdoor unit model mismatch
• The outdoor unit maintenance remote controller can be used to check the alarm display.
The number of times that LED 1 and 2 blink on the outdoor unit control PCB can be used to check the alarm display.
(Refer to “Checking the LED 1 and 2 Alarm Display on the Outdoor Unit Control PCB.”)
F22 Compressor 3 discharge temperature sensor trouble
H11 Constant speed compressor 2 overcurrent alarm
H12 Constant speed compressor 2 lock current alarm
P03 Compressor 1 discharge temperature trouble
L18 4-way valve operation failure.
P04 High-pressure switch activated
P05 Reverse phase (or missing phase) detected, capacity mismatch
P14 O
2 sensor is activated.
P16 Compressor 1 overcurrent
P17 Compressor 2 discharge temp trouble
P18 Compressor 3 discharge temp trouble
P22 Fan motor trouble
P26 Inverter compressor high-frequency overcurrent alarm
P29 Inverter compressor missing phase or lock alarm