13. Fan motor operation and compressor protection
Fan motor operation :
1.When the temperature in Comp. sensor is lower than 20㷄;
Fan motor turns off with the power supplied 㸢 Turns on when the
temperature in Comp. sensor is higher than 80㷄 㸢 Turns off when
the temperature in Comp. sensor is lower than 20㷄 㸢 Turns on
when the temperature in Comp.sensor is higher than 80㷄
2. When the temperature in Comp. sensor is lower than 20㷄;
Fan motor turns on with the power supplied 㸢 Turns off when the
temperature in Comp. sensor is lower than 20㷄 㸢 Turns on when
the temperature in Comp. sensor is higher than 80㷄
Compressor protection:
(during Fan Lock)
Compressor stops operation when the temperature in Comp. sensor
reaches 100㷄. (Compressor protection)
Starts operation again when the temperature in Comp. sensor is lower
than 65㷄.
15. Other specifications
(1) Lamp specifications:
<Control PCB>
DP1: Orange lamp
Goes off: High/low temp. alarm, sensor failure, power failure
Lit : Not in alert condition
DP2: Green lamp
Goes off: Compressor does not activate. (normal condition)
Lit : Compressor activates.
DP4: Yellow lamp
Goes off: Fan motor does not activate. (normal condition)
Lit : Fan motor activates.
<Display PCB>
DP51: Red lamp
Goes off: Not in alarm condition (normal condition)
Blinks : High/low temp. alarm (without delay), or sensor failure,
or power failure
DP53: Orange lamp
Goes off: Battery accumulation time is less than 2.8yrs.
Lit : Battery accumulation time is over than 2.8yrs (Expired).
Blinks : In F11 performed
(3) Buzzer specifications:
High/low temp. alarm: Intermittent tone emitted with delay
Sensor failure: Intermittent tone emitted when any error code among
E01, E02, E05 and E06 is displayed
Power failure: Intermittent tone emitted
Key operation: A click emitted if available
Invalid input: Alarming tone emitted for 1 second