to assure itself of its conformance with its own stated
environmental policy.
Electrical Standards - All SANYO products including ultra-
low temperature freezers are tested and certified by SGS
NRTL (National Recognized Testing Laboratory) to assure
compliance with US and International standards for electrical
safety prescribed in 29 CFR 1910.7( c ).
RoHS Compliance - RoHS relates to the restriction of
hazardous substances (i.e. lead, cadmium, mercury,
chromium 6+, PBB and PBDE) and reductions in
environmental pollution. All SANYO ultra-low freezers and
components are now 100% compliant to RoHS standards.
How is SANYO conscious of the need to
protect our environment and conserve energy?
This commitment was demonstrated when SANYO took
the initiative to revamp and redesign newer refrigeration
systems that would employ new, environmentally-friendly
refrigerants throughout the laboratory without compromising
performance. “Think GREEN, Think GAIA” expresses
SANYO’s commitment to run its business and product
development in a way that recognizes the need to protect the
environment and conserve energy.
SANYO’s focus on “green products” is expressed through
more efficient motor operation with reduced energy
consumption in their ultra low freezers. As a corporate
pioneer in the life science and commercial equipment
industries, and a global source of solutions ranging from
energy management to solar power and alternative energies,
SANYO remains committed to providing the best possible
laboratory equipment for research and clinical needs.
Criteria for Energy Efficient Laboratory
Whether your facility is seeking LEED certification
or incorporating more sustainable practices, SANYO
offers laboratory equipment to provide a more
energy efficient environment
• Lower energy use – More research buildings are
conforming and adopting to energy conscious directives such
as LEEDs with the recommendation of energy efficient lab
• Efcient space utilization – Biomedical – High density
storage is strongly advocated as lab design is focusing on
making researchers share ULT storage space.
• Selecting energy efcient and low-demand lab equipment is
thus one of the most effective and immediate ways to reduce
energy consumption.
• Energy, electrical and ventilation systems can benet from
recapture and reuse potentials.
Sustainable Operations
Think GREEN, Think GAIA
SANYO’s Application Specific Compressor
SANYO’s new ultra low temperature compressor employs a unique orientation of conventional components to reduce
discharge temperatures and compressor heat. The result is more efficient internal cooling and greater system reliability.
Heat reduction results range more than 40°C below leading brand compressors used by numerous competitors (Chart 5).
With lower compressor discharge temperatures and pressures, newer refrigerants can be more effective. Combined with
SANYO’s patented VIP
insulation, the migration of ambient heat from the laboratory to the interior is minimized. This
improves operational efficiency and lowers air conditioning costs (Chart 4). SANYO continues to improve the efficiency of
their compressors for meeting green requirements.
Temperature by
Box Capacity
Heat Rejection
by Box Capacity
Chart 4 - SANYO Freezers reduce your air conditioning costs and
allow you to reduce the size of air handling requirements.*
Chart 5 - SANYO Compressors offer lower discharge
temperatures, greater reliability and efficient operation.*
Power Consumption by Box Capacity
Chart 3 - SANYO freezers provide reduced
operational costs for highly efficient sample