Click CODEC/STREAMING in the configuration menu to display the CODEC/STREAMING SETTINGS screen.
Configure the conditions of the video/image transmission.
A Configuring Aspect Ratio
B Configuring JPEG images
C Configuring H.264 video
Required operation privilege: admin, operator
If [SSL] is set to “ON” on the NETWORK SETTINGS screen, you cannot configure H.264 video.
In [ASPECT RATIO], select the aspect ratio (width-to-height ratio) of the video/image by
clicking the corresponding radio button and click SET .
16:9 (Landscape), 4:3 (Portrait)
Clicking SET reboots the camera.
1 Configure the resolution (RESOLUTION).
The available options vary depending on your selection in [ASPECT RATIO].
16:9: 1920×1080, 1280×720, 1024×576, 640×360
4:3: 2288×1712, 1600×1200, 1280×960, 1024×768, 800×600, 640×480, 320×240
2 Configure the image quality (PICTURE QUALITY).
3 Configure the live video frame rate (LIVE FRAME RATE) for each operation privilege and
click SET .
The available options vary depending on the model used.
VDC-HD3300/VDC-HD3100: 0.1ips, 0.2ips, 0.5ips, 1ips, 3ips, 5ips, 10ips, 15ips, 30ips
VDC-HD3300P/VDC-HD3100P: 0.1ips, 0.2ips, 0.5ips, 1ips, 2.5ips, 5ips, 8ips, 12.5ips, 25ips
with Administrator Confi
uration Screens 12