1 In [DAY/NIGHT], select “AUTO”.
If you select “AUTO”, you cannot set [AGC] to “OFF”.
2 In [LEVEL], select the luminance level at which the video mode is switched and click
Sets a high luminance level (to increase the time during which the camera operates in the black-
and-white mode).
Sets the luminance level to halfway between “LOW” and “HIGH”.
Sets a low luminance level (to increase the time during which the camera operates in the color
Enables the manual adjustment of the luminance level.
Manually Configuring Mode-Switching Luminance Level (ADJ)
You can select a luminance level between 1 and 7 for both the color to black-and-white switching and black-and-
white to color switching. Switching occurs in darker conditions as the luminance level increases.
Select the luminance level at which switching occurs from the color mode to the black-and-white mode.
Select the luminance level at which switching occurs from the black-and-white mode to the color mode.
Changing one of these settings also changes the other setting based on the difference.
To prevent hunting in infrared (IR) lighting, set these luminance levels to widely different values.
Using one of these alarm input terminals as the Day/Night switching terminal, however, enables the camera to be
switched between the color and black-and-white video modes when an external control signal is received.
with Administrator Confi
uration Screens 25