Press the shutter release button to capture the
sequential shot.
œ If $ is selected for the shutter operation, sequential
shot images are captured while the shutter release
button is pressed. If the shutter release button is
released before the maximum number of images is
captured, the sequential shot will stop there.
œ If # is selected for the shutter operation, the sequential
shot begins when the shutter release button is pressed
and continues until the shutter release button is pressed
again or the maximum number of images is captured.
œ During shooting using the LCD monitor, K will appear
in the LCD monitor while images are being captured.
œ After taking the picture, you can view the first captured
image by setting the main switch to Ô (see page 102).
When you have finished capturing images, turn off the digital camera.
AE shift sequential (auto bracket) shot A
Seven sequential images are captured while the exposure automatically changes over a range,
from underexposed to overexposed.
Set the shooting mode to the sequential shot shooting
mode (see page 31).
Select AE shift sequential shot A from the sequential
shot method menu and press the SET button.
œ This sets the AE shift sequential shot method.
œ When the exposure control method [page 82] is set to manual Í, the AE shift sequential shot
method cannot be used. To use the AE shift sequential shot method, set the exposure control
method to a setting other than manual Í.
REC (recording) indicator
Shutter release button
SX511/EX, /E, /U (VPC-AZ1EX, VPC-AZ1E, VPC-AZ1 GB) Thu. Nov., 29/2001