
Customer Assistance for Text
Telephone (TTY) Users
To assist owners who have hearing difficulties, Saturn
has installed special TDD (Telecommunication Devices
for the Deaf) equipment in its Saturn Customer
Assistance Center.
Any hearing- or speech-impaired customer who has
access to a TDD or to a conventional Text Telephone
(TTY) can communicate with Saturn by dialing
1-800-TDD-6000. TTY users in Canada may dial
GM Mobility Program for Persons
with Disabilities
This program, available to
qualified applicants, can
reimburse you up to $1,000
toward eligible aftermarket
driver or passenger
adaptive equipment you
may require for your vehicle
(hand controls, wheelchair/
scooter lifts, etc.).
This program can also provide you with free resource
information, such as area driver assessment centers and
mobility equipment installers. The offer is available for
a limited period of time from the date of vehicle
For more details, or to determine your vehicle’s
eligibility, see your Saturn retailer or call the Saturn
Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-553-6000. Text
telephone (TTY) users, call 1-800-833-6000.
In Canada, customers may call the Saturn Customer
Communication Centre at 1-800-263-1999. TTY users in
Canada may call 1-800-263-3830.