Establishing a Connection
35011984 02/2006
Rescan Adapters
If the TSXCUSBMBP device was not connected to the PC when the TSXCUSBMBP
Driver started up, it will be necessary to rescan for a connected TSXCUSBMBP adapter
before the driver will detect its presence. A red icon in the system tray will indicate this.
How to rescan? To rescan, right click on the icon in the system tray and select Rescan Adapters. The
driver should then find the TSXCUSBMBP, and the icon will turn yellow for several
seconds while the TSXCUSBMBP initializes and listens to the Modbus Plus
network. It will then go to normal operation.
If the icon
remains red...
If the icon in the tray remains red following a rescan, check your USB connection and
make sure the appropriate USB drivers are installed and enabled on your computer.
Show Interface
As long as the TSXCUSBMBP driver is running, the driver Interface Window can be
displayed to show driver configuration and connection information. It does not matter
if the TSXCUSBMBP driver has established a connection with the TSXCUSBMBP
device or not (the color of the icon in the system tray does not matter).
How to display
the Interface
To display the Interface Window, right click on the icon in the tray and select
Show Interface.