The battery is connected The charger is in tester Press the CHARGE RATE
and the charger is on, mode, not charger mode. button to activate charging
but it isn’t charging. and select a charge rate.
Indicator lights are lit in an You might have Make sure nothing is
erratic manner not accidentally activated a touching the control panel,
explained in the “Using special diagnostic mode. then unplug the unit and
Your Battery Charger” plug it in again.
The charger may be Return to place of purchase
defective. for replacement.
The CHECK (red) light The incorrect battery type
always flashes before the may have been selected.
battery is completely
This will happen if the Reset the charger by un-
battery did not reach full plugging it or briefly
charge within 24 hours. disconnecting it or briefly
May be due to a very disconnecting the negative
large battery or a bank of battery clip. Select the
batteries requiring more desired charge rate and
power than a 40/15 Amp battery type again, if
charger can deliver within necessary.
24 hours. The battery may
also be faulty.
Engine crank time is less Starter motor may be Charge the battery at the
than specified. drawing more than 100 40A rate for 10 to 15
Amps. minutes then crank the
The green CHARGED The battery may be fully If the battery is in a vehicle,
light turns on a few charged or recently turn the headlights on for a
minutes after connecting charged, leaving the few minutes to reduce the
to the battery. battery voltage high battery voltage and try
enough to appear to be charging again.
fully charged.
The incorrect battery type Reset the charger by un-
may have been selected. plugging it or briefly
disconnecting the negative
battery clip. Select the
desired charge rate and
battery type again, if
Performance problems often can be corrected by the user. Please read through this
chart for a possible solution to common problems.