Your average automobile or marine battery at full charge
will provide an ample power supply to the inverter for ap-
proximately 3 hours when the engine is off. The actual length
of time the inverter will function depends on the age and
condition of the battery and the power demand being placed
by the device being operated with the inverter.
Turn OFF the device plugged into the inverter before starting
the engine. To maintain battery power, run the engine every
2 to 3 hours for approximately 10 minutes to recharge the
battery. While the PID-760 draws very low amperage when
not in use, it should be unplugged to avoid battery drain.
Device Type Estimated Wattage
Cell Phones, MP 3 Players 10 watts
Portable CD 50 watts
Laptop Computers 90 watts
Video Games 100 watts
TVs 300 watts
Power Tools 375 watts
Small Appliances 525 watts