Store battery charger in a dry area.
The approximate required time to bring a battery to full charge
state depends upon the number of ampere-hours (AH) depleted
from the battery. AH’s are determined by multiplying the num-
ber of hours by the number of AMPS supplied to a load.
For example - If a load was connected to a battery, which drew
7 AMPS for a period of 5 hours, the battery will have supplied 35
AH . The approximate recharge time would then be calculated
by dividing the 35 AH depleted from the battery, by the ampere
charge rate of the charger. To allow for tapering off of the charge
rate, add 25 percent to the charge time.
Indications of a fully charged battery are:
1. When the meter indicates an intermittent current flow to
the battery.
2. A hydrometer reading of the specific gravity of the electrolyte
(fluid) of a battery in good condition should be between
1.250 and 1.285.
3. When a battery reaches 80-85% of full charge, bubbles will
appear on the surface of the fluid. As the battery nears full
charge, bubbling will become more noticeably active.
4. The time required to charge two 6-volt batteries connected
in series will be the same as for one 12-volt battery of
equivalent size.
NOTE: This charger will shut off when the battery is fully
charged and will turn back on automatically when the battery
needs to be charged again.
Do not charge two 12-volt batteries in parallel.
1. 12 AMP setting: The initial charge current should be 12
AMP’s gradually tapering throughout the charge cycle to 5
Amp’s. Though not indicated, battery voltage will gradually
rise to approximately 15 volts, then hold constant throughout
remainder of charge cycle. When the battery reaches 15
volts and charge current drops to 5 AMP’s the charger will
turn off. Initially the battery voltage will drop from its 15 volt
level fairly quickly. When 13 volts is reached, the charger
will again turn on, until the 15 volt, 5 AMP condition is met.
As this action continues, ON time will decrease to a few
seconds while OFF time increases to a range of several
minutes to an hour. ON/OFF times vary with size, type and
condition of battery.
2. 2 AMP setting ON/OFF action is a function of battery voltage
only, otherwise identical to 12 AMP setting.
3. At no time during the charge cycle should there be any sign
of vigorous bubbling of the battery fluid.