5. Use the Increase() and Decrease() buttons to adjust the workout time. Push START/EN-
Note: The range of values for TIME is 5 - 99 minutes; the default value is 30:00.
6. Use the Increase() and Decrease() buttons to adjust the workout LEVEL. Push START/EN-
Note: The range of values for LEVEL is 1 - 16; the default start value is 3.
7. Push the START/ENTER button to start the profile workout. The time will count down from the
set time.
Edit User Profile
1. From the Power-Up Mode screen, push Schwinn Advantage
button and hold for 3 seconds to
go to User Setup Mode. The Console will display the name of User Profile 1. Use the Increase/
Decrease buttons to move through the User Profiles, and push START/ENTER to make your
ToexittheUser Selection option, push STOP and the console will go back to the Power-Up
Mode screen.
2. The Console will show a prompt to edit the user (EDIT <Name>) or delete the user (DELETE
<Name>). Use the Increase/Decrease buttons to move through the Edit menu options, and
push START/ENTER to make your selection.
ToexittheEditUseroption,pushSTOPandtheconsolewillgobacktotheUser Selection
3. After you start the Edit function, the Console will show the Name prompt. To edit the name,
Note: Use the Increase/Decrease buttons to move through the alphabet and blank space
(found between A and Z). To set each letter, push the START/ENTER button.
4. To edit the other User data, push START/ENTER at the screen prompt: EDIT AGE, EDIT
WEIGHT, EDIT GENDER. Use the Increase/Decrease buttons to adjust, and push START/
5. The Console display shows the CUSTOM prompt. To edit your Custom Workout, push START/