Maximize Your Storage Space
The Explorer DVR can save from 30 to 50 hours of recordings, depending on
the programming source; it is not intended as a long-term storage device. To
make the most efficient use of your storage space, follow these guidelines:
• Set your default Save Time setting to 14 days or less. Setting it to “until
erased” causes the storage space to fill up more quickly. (For details, see
“Change the Default Save Time Setting for Future Recordings” on page 39.)
• After you watch a recording, decide to either erase it or keep it permanently
by transferring it to a VCR tape. (For details, see “Erase a Recording” on
page 40, or “Copy Recordings to a VCR Tape,” shown next.)
Copy Recordings to a VCR Tape
When you copy recordings to a VCR tape, make sure that the recording is
displayed on the main TV screen for the entire time that the recording is being
copied. If you change channels or display other Explorer screens during the
copying process, your tape copy will contain these images and you will not
have a complete copy of the recording.
1. Connect the VCR to the Cable Out or OUT 1 (TV) connection on the back
of the Explorer DVR.
Note: In the near future, the VCR port can be used for recording to VCR
tape. By using the VCR port, you can watch another channel or recording
while you copy a recording to tape.
2. Make sure that you have a tape in your VCR and that the VCR is set to
3. Press List
. The Recorded List screen appears.
4. Press Move Up
or Move Down to highlight the recording you
want to copy to the VCR.
5. Press Select
. The Recorded Program Options screen appears
with the option “Play [title of program]” highlighted.
6. Press Select
. As the recording plays, it is copied to your VCR tape.
Want to maximize your storage space? Erase or copy recordings to a VCR
tape after watching them and reduce the length of your Save Time setting.
Manage Programs and Recordings