SYMPTOM 3. Flush valve will not close.
Mode Switch is in SERVICE
Foreign object prevents the ush
valve from closing and the safety
circuit locked ush valve in open
Check for error code at “DO NOT
FLUSH” status light.
Check the voltage output to
the ush valve motor at jack 6,
pins 9 and 10 on the control
module as follows:
Corrective Action
• Return switch to the “Normal” position.
• Reset the control circuit by putting the Mode Switch in the SERVICE
position temporarily, then returning to the NORMAL position. If the
ush valve did not close, go to next step.
• If showing error, follow the instructions in the Error Code Corrective
Procedures section.
• Pull the control module out as far as the control cables will allow.
Locate jack 6 at the bottom of the control module.
• Remove the green wire from pin 5.
• With DC voltmeter test leads across pins 9 and 10, ip the Mode
Switch between the SERVICE and NORMAL positions. If voltage is
present for about two seconds in the NORMAL position, the ush
valve motor or related wiring is defective.
• If voltage is not present, replace the control module.
SYMPTOM 4. Water will not enter toilet bowl during a ush and when the ush handle is raised
in the “Add Water” position.
Place the Water Level switch
in the LOW position. Check
the “WATER VALVE” status
light while pressing the ush
handle down:
Corrective Action
• If the “WATER VALVE” status light comes on, the water valve lter
screen may be plugged with debris, or the water valve or its related
wiring is defective.
• If the “WATER VALVE” status light remains off, replace the control
• If voltage is not present, replace the control module.
SYMPTOM 5. Water will not enter toilet bowl when the ush handle is raised in the “Add Water”
Flush the toilet, then place
the Water Level switch in the
LOW position. Then check
the “LO LEVEL” status light
while raising the ush handle:
Corrective Action
• If the “LO LEVEL” status light comes on, replace the control module.
• If the “LO LEVEL” status light does not come on, the ush switch or
its related wiring is defective.
SYMPTOM 6. Water Level switch has no effect on water level in the “Low” or High” position.
Corrective Action
• Replace control module.
SYMPTOM 7. Flush valve will not open when Mode Switch is in the “Service” position but opens
during a normal ush cycle.
Corrective Action
• Replace control module.