WAR}@NG:Fat yoti" owt_safety
ou1iet _lti ati ass..mhy stepsa_e
tour;plateand_ou }1ve readal_(
ul de_stood the safety and o_;_e_atiol
any pa(t_ tal_ag_-d or l_Tissin 9,
:_,-(o _'_ 'Jd ?,!;,_?q'_y r, ',q!: pside
]©w1 }to _'@ (: iF ) Of _ ;@_t
/ 0011 S![tK;()
;' £C t h_:" flcai ;:i ce ti}e !]OAt _A
thaw _ds iis Sde awards{ d i::y
}p_slaC,_ :l_w ove't e .oe
N(]E: i fit c,:ge ne_M h) be, _a_ or®
c_eta_i_ t_ t!oet is _iaced i_'; tiT@ Wt<)f!g
way _5e a siolt÷d eclewdtiv_ a_!d i!]se_t
ti_@ b1_(_e _e_ ae8 o? t,_ tabs betw_e_s
the ti_ter cage _d li_e eentel _i_]g Ol 1i7÷
lid P_y the tab out at th_ slot, ]i_t the (;age
arid ]fit away flora the lid _ _eplace f{_i
iow 11o_ticaqe _seet_!biy i_istrt!c_io!_s
3 ]_et_ fiite ;a{! _tabs with the sotsir
tl_ c$_lte_ itr_g of the iid assembly
,I i>_sh o/_ the fiiter ceg_ t_tiJ the t_Ds
sliao itit() _he slots to[ a S@(;k]_etit
I (:a_eiAly sde the filte ave the filte
ca';e, siding ;1over tiie cei te_ ring coy
er! 9 t e 3 sots _!/ti the fiber st ps
agei st t_eld
2 P_aee the toie t!e fiite piate over
tivettd÷d sc_ew o" the fi!ter cage
_} Gently pHeh op fie fiber ps.te to seat
the t _bbel _eg of the fiiter insde the
circula! cha tr_e of the fiber plate
S Pace t',ter ru_ onto threaded screw
ndtgifie_ tdowt binge tghtenoely
NOT£: eve f ire ,_t s c,.cibe away
t S'OW"
1i_4PORT_t_l ]: -
,.,' ,,,.,tqt ;;n ":_
R'8i "I O , , +\ _ _ ie D %¢eO_tli" , ' _ ''
NOT£; '¢ou_ filer has a red stripe _at
starches a_ in-sto!e dispiayei Wie_ _ you vat
yam ioca Sea!s store jESt rel_ersbe' _de
colo_ of y(u stripe for the co_rect size f!te_