Determine the Header Bracket
To prevent possible SERIOUSINJURYor DEATH:
• HeaderbracketMUSTbe RIGIDLYfastenedto structural
support on headerwall or ceiling, otherwise garagedoor
might not reversewhen required. DONOTinstall header
bracketover drywall.
• Concreteanchors MUSTbe usedif mounting header bracket
or 2x4 into masonry.
• NEVERtry to loosen, move or adjust garagedoor, springs,
cables,pulleys, brackets, or their hardware, all of which are
under EXTREMEtension.
• ALWAYScalla trained door systems technician if garage
door binds, sticks, or is out of balance.An unbalanced
garagedoor might not reversewhen required.
Installation procedures vary according to garage door
types. Follow the instructions which apply to your door.
1. Close the door and mark the inside vertical centerline of
the garage door.
2. Extend the line onto the header wall above the door.
You can fasten the header bracket within 4 feet
(1.22 m) of the left or right of the door center only if
a torsion spring or center bearing plate is in the
way; or you can attach it to the ceiling (see page 13)
when clearance is minimal. (It may be mounted on
the wall upside down if necessary, to gain
approximately 1/2" (1 cm).
If you need to install the header bracket on a 2x4
(on wall or ceiling), use lag screws (not provided)
to securely fasten the 2x4 to structural supports as
shown here and on page 13.
3. Open your door to the highest point of travel as shown.
Draw an intersecting horizontal line on the header wall
above the high point:
• 2" (5 cm) above the high point for sectional door and
one-piece door with track.
• 8" (20 cm) above the high point for one-piece door
without track.
This height will provide travel clearance for the top edge
of the door.
NOTE: If the total number of inches exceeds the height
available in your garage, use the maximum height
possible, or refer to page 13 for ceiling installation.
Oei,og7---jr \ OPT O.AL
_ __\CEtUNG
._ _ FOR
Vertical Centerline
of Garage Door
_' Supports
Header Wal_
2"(5 cm) Track
of Travel
Sectional door with curved track
Header Wall Track
J/7" Highest Point
Y of Travel
One-piece door with horizontal track
l _ Wall
III L8"{28
Door_ Highest
JJjC / _ Point
_/of Travel
One-piece door without track:
jamb hardware
Header Wall
8" (20 cm)
i Highest
, Point
: of Travel
One-piece door without track:
pivot hardware