Connecting Generator To Main Electrical
PotantfaJhazards exist whorl s electrical generator is
oonnected to the main elecVtaal supply oomleg into
the house. It isst that point that the generator could
feed back intothe utility company's system causing
pogldble electrocution of workers who am repaJltng
electrical lines, Toavoid beck feeding of ele,.-td_ty into
utility systems, a double-throw transfer switch
should be installedbetween the generator and utif;ty
power. This device should be inst-Jled by a licensed
electrician and in compliance with all local eisctdcal
NOTE: When installing a Double-Throw Transfer
Switch. a minimum of 10 gauge wiring must be used.
Alwayscheck engineo, level
before every start. Running
engine low of ell or out of oil could result in
serious damage to the engine.
Adding EngineOn
Your generator has been elllpped without oil in the
engine. Begin by removing the oil dipstick end plug.
Start pouring the oil In slowly.
The engine will hold approximately 28 ounce4;of oil. To
check the oil,clean end replace the dipstick. Do not
s_rewthe dip stinkin when checking the ONlevel. NeXt,
removethe dipstick to check the level. Theoil dipstick
iselasdy marked with lines that tell you when the
engine hasenough oil. Do not fill sb;'ve this point.
NOTE: When adding ollto the engine_ar_,..case, usea
high quality detergent eli classified "For Service
SF,SG,SH" ratedSAE30 weight. Usenospadaladd_ve_
Selecttheoil'sviscoldtygrade accordingto yourexpected
operating temperatures.
• Remove gas cap.
Add unJeadedgasoline, alowty, to fuel tank.
Use (:lean,fresh, mgulor unleaded gaecllne with a
minimum of 85 ootane. Do not mix oil with gasoline.
Never fill fuel tank €orn-
plntely. Fill tank to 1/2"
below the bottam of the filler neck to provide
spaoe for fuel expansion. Wipe any fuel spillage
from engine and equipment bofum starting
eng ,k_e.
Do not overfill.
migine hi running or hot. DO not smoke when
filling fuel tank.
To Start Your Generator
inenclosed, poor ventUated
m, fingine athaust contains cerben monox-
ide, en odorless end doa_qy gas.
IMPORTANT;. Make sum the battery is properly
serviced, fully charged, end assembled before starting.
• Open the fuel shut-Off valve. Turn counter clock-
wise until the valve stops,
Move the choke control located on the engine to
_t_ _lmm; plmt_4
Your generator engine is 4 cycle. Use unleaded fuel
only.Never mix ell with gasoline.
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