Safety Precautions
A gaswater heater .cannotoperate properly without the
correct amount of mr for combustion. Do not install in a
confined area such a closet, unless you provide air as
shownin the "Locating The New Water Heater" section.
Never obstruct the flow of ventilation air. If you haveany
doubtsor questionsat all, call your gascompany. Failure
to providethe proper amount of combustionair can result
in a fire or explosion and cancausedeath, seriousbodily
injury,or property damage.
This water heater must not be installed directly on car-
peting. Carpeting must be protected bya metal or wood
panel beneath the appliance extending beyond the full
width and depth of the appliance by at least 3 inches
(76.2mm) in any direction, or if the appliance isinstalled
in an alcoveor closet,the entire floor must becoveredby
the panel. Failure to heed this warning may result in a
fire hazard.
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are
intended to produce hot water. Water heated to a tem-
perature which will satisfyclotheswashing,dish washing
and other sanmzing needs can scald and permanently
injure you upon contact. Some people are more likely to
be permanently injured by hot water than others. These
includethe elderly,children,the infirm, or physically/men-
tally handicapped.Ifanyone usinghot water in your home
fits into one of these groupsor if there isa local code or
state lawrequiring a certaintemperature water at the hot
water tap, then you must take specialprecautions.In addi-
tion to usingthe lowest possibletemperature setting that
satisfiesyour hot water needs,a means suchas a mixing
valve, shouldbe used at the hot water taps usedby these
people or at the water heater. Mixingvalvesare available
at plumbing supplyor hardware stores. Follow manufac-
turers instructions for installation of the valves. Before
changingthe factory setting on the thermostat, read the
"Temperature Regulation"sectioninthis manual.
Soot build-up indicates a problem that requires correc-
tion before further use. Turn "off" gas to water heater
and leave"off" until repairs are made, becausefailure to
correct the cause of the sooting can result in a fire or
explosioncausingdeath, seriousbodilyinjury,or property
The power vent water heater requiresits own (separate)
ventingsystem.It cannotbe connectedto an existing vent
pipeor chimney.It must be terminated horizontallyto the
outdoors.Failureto properly installthe ventingsystem can
result in asphyxiation, a fire or explosion and can cause
No vent damper installationiscompatiblewith this power
vented water heater design.No vent damper, whether it is
operated thermally or otherwise isto be installedon this
power vented water heater. Alteration of any part of the
factory-furnished ventassemblycouldresultin improperop-
eration dueto restriction offlue gases,spillageoffluegases
and may causecarbon monoxidepoisoning.
•The applianceand itsindividualshutoffvalvemustbe dis-
connectedfrom the gassupplypipingsystemduring any
pressure testing of the gas system at test pressuresin
excessof I/2 pound per squareinch(3.5kPa).
•The appliancemust be isolatedfrom the gassupplypip-
ing system by closingits individualmanual shutoffvalve
during any pressuretesting of the gas supplypipingsys-
tem at test pressuresequal or lessthan I/2 pound per
HEATERS]: Propane (L.R) gasis heavier than air. Should
there be a leak in the system,the gaswill settle near the
ground. Basements, crawl spaces, skirted areas under
mobile homes (even when ventilated), closets and areas
belowground levelwill serveaspocketsfor the accumula-
tion of this gas. Before attempting to light or relight the
water heater's pilot or turning on a nearbyelectrical light
switch, be absolutely sure there is no accumulated gasin
the are_ Search for odor of gasbysniffingat ground level
in the vicinity of the appliance.If odor is detected, follow
stepsindicated at "For Your Safety" on the cover pageof
this manualthen leavethe premises.
Chemical vapor corrosion of the flue and vent system
may occur ifair for combustioncontainscertain chemical
vapors.Spray canpropellants,cleaningsolvents,refHgera.
tor and air conditioner refrigerants, swimming pool
chemicals, calcium and sodium chloride, waxes, bleach,
and processchemicalsare typical compounds which are
potentially corrosive.
Obstructed or deteriorated vent systemsmay present a
serious health riskor asphyxiation.
Safety Precautions continued on page 4.