Temperature-Pressure Relief
Valve Operation
The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually
operated at least once a year.
When checking the temperature-pressure relief valve
operation, make sure that (1) no one is in front of or
around the outlet of the temperature-pressure relief
valvedischargeline, and (2) that the water manually dis-
chargedwill not causeany propertydamagebecausethe
water may be extremelyhot.
if after manuallyoperatingthe valve, it failsto complete-
ly reset and continues to release water, immedlately
closethe cold water inlet to the water heater,follow the
draining instructions,and replacethe temperature-pres-
sure relief valvewith a new one.
Failure to install and maintain a new properly listed tem-
perature-pressure relief valve will release the manufactur-
er from any claim which might result from excessive tem-
perature or pressure.
If the temperature-pressurerelief valve on the appliance
weeps or discharges periodically, this may be due to
thermal expansion.Your water heater may have a check
valve installed in the water line or a water meter with a
checkvalve. Consultthe SearsServiceCenter for further
information. Do not plug the temperature-pressure
relief valve.
The water heater should be drained if being shut down
during freezing temperatures. Also periodic draining and
cleaning of sediment from the tank may be necessary.
1. Turn the gas control knob to the "OFF" position.
2. CLOSEthe cold water inlet valve to the water heater.
3. OPEN a nearby hot water faucet and leave open to
allow for draining.
4. Connect a hose to the drain valve and terminate to an
adequate drain.
5. OPEN the water heater drain valve to allow for tank
NOTE: If the water heater is going to be shut down
and drained for an extended period, the drain valve
should be [eft open with hose connected allowing
water to terminate to anadequate drain.
6. Close the drain valve.
7. Follow instructions in the "Filling The Water Heater"
8. Follow the lighting instructions in the "Lighting" section
to restart the water heater.
Drain Valve Washer
NOTE: Forreplacement, usea '%_"x '%4"x ½" thick washer
available at your nearest hardware store. For ordering
replacementwashers,refer to the "Repair Parts"section.
t. Turn "OFF" gas supply to water heater.
2. Follow "Draining" instructions.
3. Turning counter clockwise, remove the hex cap below
the screw handle.
4. Remove the washer and put the new one in place.
5. Screw the handle and cap assembly back into the drain
valve and retighten using a wrench. DO NOT OVER
6. Follow instructions in the "Filling The Water Heater"
7. Check for leaks.
8. Follow the lighting instructions in the "Lighting" section
to restart the water heater.
If a condition persists or you are uncertain about the
operation of the water heater, let a qualified person check
it out. Cal! the SearsService Center.