1. Set cut depth at 1” (see pg. 15). Locate Edge Guide Adjustment Lever, press in, and turn
clockwise to set Edge Guide in the down position. See EDGE GUIDE section (pg. 16).
2. Before starting the Edger, line up the tool so the Edge Guide rests against the edge
of the paved surface (Fig.11). The Cut Line Indicator is helpful in lining up the Edger
blade to the cut path. Both Rear Wheels should be on the paved surface when edging.
3. To avoid kickback of Edger, tilt the Handle down so the blade is above the ground (Fig. 12a).
4. Turn Edger On and allow blade to spin without moving tool.
5. Slowly lift the Handle to lower the Blade, finding the edge of the paved surface (Fig. 12b).
Use the Cut Line Indicator to help position the Edger. Start edging, moving the tool forward
slowly along edge of paved surface, keeping the Edge Guide pressed lightly against the
pavement edge.
DO NOT ATTEMPT to unclog the blade chamber by dropping or
tapping the Edger on the ground or pavement. This can damage the Edger. Keep
hands clear of Edge Guide and Blade when cleaning, as these wear to very sharp
points during edging.
Make sure that other people and pets are at least 100 feet
away from Edger.
For the first edging of the season, it is best to move forward slowly because the
grass is thickest then. Subsequent edging will be take less time. If the tool slows down,
back it up an inch or two until the blade comes up to normal speed. During edging some
sparks may be generated from hitting stones or paved surface. This is normal.
Do not attempt to edge when the grass or soil is wet or moist – for electrical safety and
to prevent clogging of the blade chamber. If you must edge under conditions that cause
the blade chamber to become clogged, release Power Switch Lever, wait for blade to
come to a complete stop, UNPLUG TOOL, open Blade Guard door. See OPENING
THE BLADE GUARD on Pages 20-21. Remove the clogged material with a stick.
To continue to operate the Edger in a clogged condition will seriously overload the motor.
Fig. 12a
Tilt the Handle down so
the blade is above the ground
Edging with
Edge Guide
Fig. 12b
Slowly lift the Handle
to lower the Blade.
Edge Guide
Lined up with
paved surface
Both Rear
Wheels on
paved surface
Cut line
NOTE: When there is heavy overgrowth of grass over the paved surface, the grass
may drag on the Guard. An initial cut may be required with the Edger on the grass
side. This will require lifting up the Edge Guide and may require reducing the depth
of cut (See EDGE GUIDE and CUTTING DEPTH ADJUSTMENT instructions).
Because of the direction of the Blade rotation, the Edger can kickback towards the
operator if it hits an obstruction such as thick, matted grass. Keep a firm grasp on
the Handle, especially when edging in thick, matted material. When using the Edger
along a paved surface, keep both rear wheels on the pavement.
NOTE: ALWAYS stand to the left of the Handle. Any debris thrown by the Edger
would be coming from the Blade Guard area on the right of the Edger
Fig. 11