for Pluggable Motor Replacement _
ThlLsIat C_nt_lnt:
I Motto A_membly
2 !/_" Ferule Tmmlnals (kwulated)
1 Sheet. to.ruction
EI,e_trlcal 8h©.:k X_,_tsrd
Dis_mtecd power INlf_
Failure tO do so could resuR In
s_loUa ht|ury ot death.
NOTE TO THE INS.T.A_ER: This motor kit is an authorized FSP ser_ce _e_ment
p._t.for your epphc_tlon.The motorin this .kitmay or may notbe .klentl_lto your
ore.moOr, if your _re, m motor ha=the ptuggablemR _it_ (_e _ure.4B),
mpmceme eewlcemotor In me samemanneras you mmo_ __ motor.
If your doteOtlve motor has the switch where the wire lead from the _n harness
oonne_ rfollow Instru_ons below.
Potm_tlat Fire Hazed andlor
Nulsam_e "l'dpplng of Motor Protector
00 NOT under any c4mumstance attempt
to remove oH"replace the motor switah
from this plugglb|e _rvice motor. The
swltoh is o non-serviceable component,
Failure to do so oouid result In fire, serious
injury or death,
Remove Ixdley from replaaementmotor by using.two
(2) open end or adjual_de wrenches. Place one on
the motor shaft, rlghtbehb_:lglS¢ulley,_ the other
on the pulley. Holdi_the motor shelf in ple.cewith
one (1) wrench, turn puikly with o_r wrench In a
COunte_e dlmotlon to remove pulley. See
Figure E.
Remove defective motor using standarclmotor
5. Remove beltrestrainerfromreple(;eme_tmotor.,._ee
2. Compare and note the difference between the
detective motor andyour new replscement motor The
first thing you will need to' compare is the motor
pulleys. The I_Uey supplied with the replaoement
motor can be used in zdl _ppgc_lons. Al_ough
g_ere m_ two (2) €_ses, you may want Io use the
pulley from the def_t_ve motor. See Rgure I forthese
NOTE: It you choose not to reuse your pulley
from the defective mlptor as shown In Figure I,
you will loose the 2..speed or 3-speed option.
fns(rucSonSheet 279807 7194