,,,,, ,
Read owner's rnenual. Do not attempt to operate equipment untilyou have read Owne_ ]
Manual for Safety, Assembly, Opomtlon, Maintenenea, Storage Irlstruc_ions.
1- Box Cutter or Knife
2 - 9/16 "Wrenches
2 - 1/2" Wrenches
1 - 1' thick x 1' square piece of wood
* Open carton from top.
• Cut carton along dotted lines.
Remove allcarton inserts.
* Remove generator through opening in carton.
, Using a 9/16 inchsocket remove the two shipl_ng
blocks from under the generator head. Unscrew
the bolts and remove the wood blocks. No'rE It
isvery Important that these are removed before
starting your generator.
IMPORTAJI_h Before any attempt to start yourgenera-
tor be sure to check engine oil (See Adding Engine Oil
paragraph in _e Operation section on page 14 of th/s
Recommended Battery for Electric Start: 12V - 45 A H.
or 210 CCA (Cold Cranking Amps)
Purchase bake W and battery hardware separately, not
included with unit,
Place batfeP/in reck with terminals faning l_wards
generator head.
Place better/" bracket _ over battery as shown
(opposite battery terminals).
Place "L° belt (B) through top and bottom brack-
ets end aeoure with wing nut (C).
• Locate the solenoid on the left side ofthe unit.
/ S,cdenold
Lawn & Garden baitarlea
_in come In two terminal configurations. The
Positive (÷) and Negative (-) terfninale can be
oriented so that they ere +/- or -/÷. In the
unlikely event that the bartmy termlnale amp
unmarked, we nmommeed that you return _m
battery to the retailer for exchange for 8 Imp
erly marked battery or let an authorized service
center Install the battery for you, Failure to
connect the battery properly can possibly
cause bodily Injury. In addition, extensive
engine electrical damage nat be covered under
w_rranty ©an result,
I-]-- _ +r-] I
the red _osit_e) cable to the positive (÷)
terminld before ¢enneclfng the binck negative
I cable.
• Remove the nut from the solenoid post closest to
the engine. Place one end of the pcaitive (red)
battery cable onto the post. Reassemble nut ar)d
tighten securely.
* Slide protective cover over solenoid post,
• Attach the other end of the positive (red)batt_m_f
cable to the positive {+)terminal on the battery.
lO -- ENG