Operating Instructions
Temperature Regulation
Due to the nature of the typical gas water heater, the water tem-
_erature in certain situations may vary up to 30°F higher or
ower at the point of use such as, bathtubs, showers, sink, etc.
This means that when the temperature adjustment dial is set at
the mark approximating 120° F, the actual water temperature at
any hot water tap could be as high as 150°F or as low as 90°E
Any water heater's intended purpose is to heat water. Hot water
is needed for cleaning (bodies, dishes, clothing). HOt water will
present a scald hazard. Depending on the time element, and the
people involved (normal adults, children, toddlers, elderly,
infirm, etc.) scalding may occur at different temperatures.
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are intended to
_roduce hot water, Water heated to a temperature which will
satisfyclotheswashing, dishwashing,and other sanitizing needs
can scaldand permanently injure you upon contact. Some peo-
ple are more likelyto be permanently injured by hot water than
others. These includethe elderly, children,the infirm, or physical-
ly/mentally handicapped. Ifanyone usinghot water in your home
fitsinto one of these groupsor ifthere isa local codeor state law
requiring a certain temperature water at the hot water tap, then
youmust take specialprecautions.In additionto usingthe lowest
_ossibletemperature setting that satisfiesyour hot water needs,
a means suchas a mixing valve,should be usedat the hot water
taps used by these people or at the water heater, Mixing valves
are availableat plumbing supplyor hardware stores. Followman-
ufacturers instructions for installation of the valves. Before
changing the factory setting on the thermostat, read the
'_remperature Regulation" sectioninthis manual.
Never allow small childran to use a hot water tap, or to draw
their own bath water. Never leave a child or handicapped per-
son unattended in a bathtub or shower.
The thermostat of this water heater has been factory set at its
lowest position, ro reduce the risk of scald injury. It is adjustable
and must be reset to the desired temperature setting. The mark
(V) HOT indicative of approximately !20°F is the preferred
starting, point. Some states have a requirement for a lower set-
ring. I_you need hotter water, follow directions for temperature
adjustment, but beware of the warnings in this section.
Turn the water temperature dial clockwise_f_",) to decrease
the temperature, or counterclockwise (€_ -"_) to increase the
1r HOT- ts a thermostat setting of approximately 120°E
which will supply hot water at the most econom_
ical temperatures. The temperature adjustment
knob can be turned lower than "HOT" if
A - is a thermostat setting of approximately 130°E
B - Is a thermostat setting of approximately 140°E
This is the lowest setting for supply of l';orwater
to dishwashers.
C - Is a thermostat setting of approximately 150°E
VERY HOT - Is a thermostat setting of !60°E It is recommend-
ed that the dial be set lower whenever possible.
Should overheating occur or the gas supply fail to shut off,
turn "OFF" the manual gascontrol valve to the appliance.