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near each cooktop control knob shows which burner is
turned on by that knob_
Push to turn knobs to LiTr_ position. After the burner
ignites, the ticking sound of the spark will stop. Set
knob to desired flame setting. Read additiona! infer-
_on aboutL coektop spark _gnit_en on _his
As a safety precaution you should set
contvo,s so _la_e heats pan bottom
o_Ry and does not l_ck pan sides.
Ftames _icking pan sides are unsafe
and waste heat,
Avoid leaving any burneron without a utensil. Doing so
can overheat the grate and cause the enamel finish of
the grate to become damaged.
if a cooktop burner fails to light within five seconds, turn
the knob to OFF and wait five minutes before trying
again. If the buJ'ner still will not light, check the service
section in this manual.
Watch foods when heating them quickly on HL As soon
as the food reaches cooking temperature, turn down the
heat to the lowest setting that will keep it cooking.
The lowest setting of the burner has a very small flame
to provide simmering capability. To simmer foods, set
the cooktop control knob to the lowest setting that will
maintain the desired simmer. Ifsimmering on one burner
and other burners are turned on, the gas flow of the
simmering burner may have to be adjusted.
If your simmering burner goes out when the other
burners are on, adjust the simmering burner control
knob until burner re-lgniteso After re-lg nition, set cooktop
control knob to the lowest setting that will retain a flame
on the burner.
COOKTOP SPARK _GN_T_ON - When you turn the
cooktop knob to LITE, the spark igniter makes a series
of electric sparks (ticking sound) which lights the burner.
You may occasionally hear the igniter ticking, even
though the burner is lit. This is normal and iscaused by
drafts or by air disturbances from nearby objects. For
your safety, the burner will attempt to relight whenever
it senses that the flame is distorted.
During a power failure the burners will not light
automatically, in an emergency, a cooktop burner may
be lit with a match by following the steps below.
Lighting gas burners with a ma_tch
is dangerous. You sheuBd match
_ight the cooktop burners on_y _n
1. Light a match and hold the flame near the burner you
want to light. Wooden matches work best.
2. Push in and turn the control knob slowly. Be sure
you are turning the correct knob for the burner you
are lighting°
tfthe burner does not light within five seconds, turn the
knob off and wait five minutes before trying again.
OVEN GLOW BAR BGNITIION - When you turn the
Oven Control on, the glow bar igniter begins to
heat. When the Igniter is hot enough, in about I minute,
the gas flows into the burner and is ignited.
The igniter glows bright orange when hot. It cycles on
and off with the thermostat and will glow whenever the
burner is on.
During a power fa_l_ure the overt burner
cannot be lit and you shoultd net try to
do so.
During burner use, the area of _he
g_ass cooktop around the burners
could get hot, Use caution
See the cleaning chart for important information about
cleaning the cooktopo NGMTCO8