Cubedispenserdoes not work.
• Noice cubes_Removestorage container, If cubesare frozento
wire arm, removecubes,
Noice cubes,icemaker or water supply turned off.
oIrregular iceclumps instorage container.Breakup asmany as
youcanwith fingertip pressureand discardthe remaining
Water haspoor taste!odor
If water dispenser hasnotbeen usedfor an extended period,
dispensewater in regular manner until all water inreservoir is
replenished with fresh water.
• Poor-tastingincoming water. Install a water filter.
Water dispenserdoes not work
• Water supplyline turned off or not connected,.
• Supplyline maybe cloggedwith sediment.
Water in first glassiswarm
Allow about24hoursfor water tocoolto proper temperature
after refrigerator isfirst installed.
• Ifwater dispenser hasnot been usedfor extended period,
water in first glasswill not be ascool asin succeedinggtasses_
oif water reservoir hasbeendrained, allow severalhoursfor
replenished supply to chill
Moisture forms on outside of refrigerator
• Notunusualduring periods of high humidity.
Moisture collectsinside
o Toofrequentor too longdoor openings.
• Inhumid weather,air carries moisture intorefrigerator when
doors are opened,
Water onfloor
oThedrainin the bottomofthe freezermaybe clogged
Removeanyiceonthefreezerbottom and dean thedrain.Refer
topage 13.
Hot air from bottom of refrigerator
oNormal air flow cooling motor°Intherefrigeration process,
it is normal thatheat be expelled inthe area under the
refrigerator, Somefloorcoveringswill discolor at thesenormal
and safeoperating temperatures. Yourfloorcovering supplier
shouldbe consulted ifyouobject to thisdiscoloration_
Interior light doesnot work
eNopower at outlet.
oLightbulb needs replacing. Seepage 13.
Refrigerator hasodor
Foodwith strong odorsshould betightlycovered.
* Checkforspoiledtoo&
oInteriorneedscleaning. Refertopage12_
o Defrostwater systemneedscleaning.
* Keepopenboxof bakingsodain refrigerator; replace every
Water Filter Accessory
producesthem°That'swhyit'sa good ideatopurifythewater
with awater filter
Thewater filter isan optiona{ part at extracostand isavailable
from your SearsServiceCenter.Order FilterNo.,978488andit
may be installedinminutes whenattachedto theinletwater
Water Supply Accessory Kit
A watersupplykit containing coppertubing, shut-off valve,
fittings and instructionsneededto connectthe icemaker toyour
cold waterline isalsoavailablefrom yourSearsstoreor Sears
Moving Precautions
Disconnectthe powercordfromthewall outlet, removeall food
and dean and drythe interior,Secureall looseitems bytaping
them securely in place,Keepthe refrigerator inan upright
positionduring actual moving and in the van.Securethe
refrigerator in the vantopreventmovement,andprotectthe
outside with a blanket,
Vacation Precautions
Forextended vacations or absences,shut off power tothe
refrigerator, turn thenumberedcontrol totheOFFposition,
and clean theinteriorwith a baking sodasolutionof one
tablespoonofbaking sodatoonequartofwater.Wipedry.
Topreventodors,teaveanopenboxofbakingsodain the
refrigerator. Leavethe doorsopen.
Forshorter vacations, remove perishablefoodsand leave
controlsat theirregular settings.However,ifroom temperature
isexpectedto dropbelow 60°F.followthesameinstructionsas
forextended vacations.
Seticemakertothe OFFposition andshut offwater supplyto