Cubedispenser doesnot work.
• Noice cubes.Removestorage container.If cubesare frozento
wire arm, remove cubes.
oNoicecubes.Icemaker or water supplyturned off.
• Irregular ice clumpsin storage container°Breakup asmanyas
youcanwith fingertippressure and discardthe remaining
Water has poor taste/odor
If water dispenser hasnot been usedforanextended period,
dispensewater in regular manner until allwater in reservoir is
replenishedwith fresh waterr
, Poor-tastingincoming water, install a water filter.
Water dispenserdoes not work
* Watersupply line turned off or notconnecte&
, Supplyfine may be clogged with sediment.
Water in first glass iswarm
o Allow about 24 hoursfor water tocool toproper temperature
afterrefrigerator isfirstinstalled.
• Ifwater dispenserhasnotbeen usedforextended period,
water in first glass will not be ascoolas in succeedingglasses.
o If water reservoir hasbeen drained, allow severalhoursfor
replenished supply to chill.
Moisture forms on outside of refrigerator
o Notunusualduring periods of high humidity,
Moisture collects inside
• Toofrequentor too longdoor openings.
• Inhumidweather, air carries moisture into refrigerator when
doorsare opene&
Water onfloor
* Thedrainin thebottom ofthefreezer maybeclogged,
Removeany iceon the freezer bottomand clean thedroin_Refer
topage 13.
Hot air from bottom of refrigerator
oNormalair flow cooling motor.Intherefrigeration process,
it isnormal that heat be expelled in thearea underthe
refrigerator. Somefloor coveringswill discolor at thesenormal
and safe operating temperatures. Yourfloorcovering supplier
shouldbe consulted ifyou object to thisdiscoloration.
Interior light does not work
o Nopowerat outlet.
"Lightbulb needsreplacing. Seepage 13.
Refrigerator hasodor
• Foodwith strong odorsshould betightlycovered.
aCheckfor spoiledfood.
• Interiorneedscleaning. Refertopage12,
• Defrostwatersystemneedscleaning°
• Keepopenboxofbaking sodain refrigerator; replaceevery
three months_
Wafer Filter Accessory
(optional at extracost)
Youricecubescanonlybe asfresh4asfingasthewaterthat
producesthem_That'swhyit'sa goodidea topurifythewater
with a water fi]ter.
Thewater filteris an optional part at extra costand isavailable
fromyour SearsServiceCenter_Order FilterNo.978488andit
may be installed in minuteswhen attached tothe inlet water
Water Supply Accessory Kit
(optional at extra cost)
A water supplykit containing coppertubing, shut-offvalve,
fittingsand instructionsneededtoconnecttheicemakerto your
cold waterline isalsoavailable fromyour SearsstoreorSears
Moving Precautions
Disconnectthepower cordfromthewal! outlet, removeall food
and cleanand dry the interior, Secureall looseitems bytaping
themsecurelyinplace°Keeptherefrigerator in an upright
positionduring actual movingand in thevan. Securethe
refrigeratorinthe vanto preventmovement,and protectthe
outside with a blanket.
Vacation Precautions
Forextended vacationsor absences,shutoff power tothe
refrigerator, turnthe numberedcontrol tothe OFFposition,
and cleantheinteriorwitha bakingsodasolutionofone
tablespoonofbakingsodatoonequartofwater. Wipedry.
Topreventodors,leaveanopen boxofbaking sodainthe
refrigerator. Leavethedoors open.
Forshorter vacations, removeperishablefoodsandleave
controlsat theirregular settings.However,ifroomtemperature
isexpectedtodropbelow 60°t:.followthesameinstructionsas
forextended vacations.
Seticemaker totheOFFposition and shutoff water supplyto