The built-in ventilation system removes cooking va-
pors, odors and smoke from foods prepared on the
cooktop, grill and grill accessories. Regular use ofthis
system will insure a more comfortable and less humid
kitchen which is free of heavy cooking odors and fumes
that normally create a frequent need for cleaning and
Using the Ventilation System
• To operate the ventilation system manually, turn
the fan control to ON.
• The ventilation systemwill operateautomatically
when the grill element is in use,
• The fan can be used to remove strong odors from
the kitchen as when chopping onions near the fan.
• Besides using the ventilation system to remove
cooking vapors and fumes, it can be used to cool
baked pies or cakes. To cool an item, set it on the
air grille and laarnon the fan. The air being pulled
over the item will quickly cool it. Be careful not to
cover the entire air grille.
Cleaning the Ventilation System
Air Grille
The air grille lifts off easily. "Wipeclean orwash in sink
with mild household detergents. It may be cleaned in
the dishwasher.
Turn offventilation system before
removing. The filteris apermanent
type and should be cleaned when
soiled. Clean in sink with warm
water and liquid dishwashing de-
tergent or in the dishwasher.
Filter should always be placed at an angle. As you face
the front of the cooktop, the top of the filter should rest
against the right side of the vent opening and the
bottom of the filter should rest against the left side of
the ventilation chamber near the bottom.
Ventilation Chamber
This area, which houses the filter, should be cleaned in
the event of spills or whenever it becomes coated with
a film of grease. It may be cleaned with paper towel,
damp cloth, or sponge and mild household detergent or