13.Nevermovethewalkingbeltwhilethe power
is turnedoff. Donotoperatethetreadmillil
thepowercordor plugisdamaged,or if the
treadmillis notworkingproperly.(See
BEFOREYOUBEGINon page4 if thetread-
mill is notworkingproperly.)
ing onthewalkingbelt.Alwaysholdthe
ableto safelylift 45 pounds(20kg)in orderto
raise,lower,or movethetreadmill.
19.Whenfoldingor movingthetreadmill,make
surethatthestoragelatchisfully closed.
20.Inspectandtightenall partsof thetreadmill
15.Thetreadmillis capableof highspeeds. 21.Neverinsertanyobjectintoanyopening.
Adjustthe speedinsmallincrementsto avoid
suddenjumpsinspeed. 22.Alwaysunplugthe powercordbeforeper-
16.To reducethe possibilityofthetreadmillover- ceduresdescribedinthis manual.Neverre-
ouslyfor longerthan1hour.
is running.Alwaysremovethekeywhenthe
treadmillis notin use.
18. Do not attempt to raise, lower, or move the
treadmill until it is properly assembled. (See
move the motor hood unless instructed to do
so by an authorized service representative.
Servicing other than the procedures in this
manual should be performed by an authorized
service representative only.
23. This treadmill is intended for in-home use
only. Do not use this treadmill in any commer-
cial. rental, or institutional setting.
WARNING: Before beginning this or any exercise program, consult your physician. This
is especially important for persons over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems.
Read all instructions before using. SEARS assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property
damage sustained by or through the use of this product.
The decal shown below has been placed on your treadmill. If the decal is missing, or if it is not legible,
please call our toll-free HELPLINE to order a free replacement decal (see the back cover of this manual).
Apply the decal in the location shown.