How to dry a load of laundry
b_ Clean lint scre_ bef'rre each load.
_Put laundry into dryer and shut the door.
Set Cycle Selector Control II
) Set Hea! Temp Control lgl
Set End_of-CycleSignal Control il.
Push the Start Control [] to start
your dryer.
(_ Remove loadwhen dry.
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Ill Cycle Selector Control
Use this control to select the proper drying method for the type of
items in the load. The control can be set for automatic or timed
drying, touch up or air. You can turn the control at any time to
make drying time longer or shorteror you can turnthe control to
an OFF position to shutthe dryeroff.
Color coordinated keys indicate in which portion of thecycle the
dryer isoperating.
Igl Heat Temp Control
Use this control to select drying temperature to match fabrics in
the load. The control can be adjusted from LOWfor delicate fab-
ricsto HIGH for sturdywork clothes.
It is importantto choose the right temperaturefor the type of fab-
rics being dried. A wrong setting could damage some fabrics.
The Heat Temp Control will not work when the dryer is set inthe
AIR cycle.
I1 End-of-Cycle Signal Control
Use this control to select the loudness of thesignal that buzzes to
tell you the dryingcycle is over. It can be adjusted to OFF or up
to LOUD. The dryer should be unloaded as soon as the cycle is
over to get the best wrinkle free results. Always use the signal
when drying noqron fabrics.
During Wrinkle Guard I the buzzer will sound every 5 minutes
unless the controlis off.
Il! Start Control
Use this conl_folto startthe dryer. Be sure the door is closed.
Openingthe doorstopsthedryer.Itwill notstartagainuntilyou
close the door and pushthe STARTcontrol. Be surethe Cycle
SelectorControlis onadrysetting.
Part No. 3392334