On the following pages, all removable parts on your range are shown. Refer to those pages when cleenlng.
Warm water, a mild detergent end a soft cloth are safe to use on all cleanable parts of your range. Do not use metal
scouring pads, except where recommended.
Range cooktop finishes will be either porcelain enamel or brushed chrome. Porcelain enamel looks like a painted
surface. Brushed chrome has a metallic appearance.
Control panel Detergent, warm water, sort cloth DO HOT use abrasive cleaners, steel wool
or plsetlc scouring pads. Dry thoroughly
after cleenlng.
Control knobs Mild soap and water Pull off knobs. Wash gently but do not
soak. Dry and return controls to unit.
Cooktop burners
Porcelain Enamel Cooktop
Detergent, warm water, plastic or
nylon scouring pad or boll In Dip-
It@ solution to remove stubborn
Cleansing powder, soap, water,
soft cloth
Do not use all-purpose cleaners, ammo-
nia, powder cleansers or oven cleaners.
Such products can scratch or discolor
the burners. TO use Dip-It® solution,
remove burners and boll for 20 minutes In
• 2 tbsp. Dip-it® granules per quart of wa-
ter. Boll with burner head down. Rinse
thoroughly,drain and completely dryburn-
ers in a 200°F oven for 1/2 hour. After
cleaning or a splllover, light the burners
and make sure that no ports are clogged
(see removable parts section).
If hot fruit fillings or foods that are acidic
foods such as milk, tomatoes, sauerkraut,
sauces with vinegar or lemon juice should
spill on the cooktop, use a dry paper towel
or cloth to wipe up right away. When the
surface has cooled, wash and rinse. For
other spills, such as fat spatterlngs, wash
with soap and water when cooled and
then rinse. Polish with a dry cloth.
Glass oven door Glass cleaner and paper towels Remove stubborn soil with paste of bak-
ing soda and water. Do not use abrasive
cleaners. Rinse thoroughly.
9 NGCCH19-2