Replacement and Care of Filters (continued)
3i a_ Remove the two filters and dispose of
proPerlY, i
b_ Ctean internat p_rts 0f humidifier per
the "Cleaning of Humidifier ``section
of your Owner's manual
c. Install new filters inside the cabinet
with the glue beads on the fitter fac-
ing the center of the cabinet. The fil-
ters should set into the channel
areas inside the cabinet, Make sure
the filters are resting on the floor of
the cabinet.
d, Return the filter housing to the cabi-
net. Position the filter housing onto
the filters. AIige the back of the filter
housing over the filters and between
the rear ribs of the cabineL Place
the filter housing down onto the fit-
ters, Make sure the filters are cap-
tured inside the side flanges of the
filter housing,
e. Position fan assembly onto the cabi-
net, Make sure the fan venturJ (low-
est cylinder section below the fan) is
placed inside the filter housing. The
left edge of the fan assembly hous-
ing should rest in the groove of the
f. Replace the water bottle and the
water bottle cover. The right edge of
the bottle cover will rest _n the
groove of the cabinet mentioned
g The unit is ready for use or t_ be
Stored away for next season.
"Channel Area"