To convert the CARDIO FIT PLUS to the push mode, hold
the Handlebar Frame (7) with one hand and hold the Handle
(20) with the other hand. Lift the Handle to disconnectthe
LinkArms (4) from the Handlebar Frame. Pivotthe
Handlebar Frame toward the seat and hook the LinkArms
onto the upper Rollers (33) on the Handlebar Frame.
CAUTION: Make sure that the Link Arms are securely
connected to the upper Rollers.
Sit on the seat, place your feet on the pedals, and holdthe
handlebar with an overhand grip. If necessary, adjustthe
position of the seat (see page 5).
To begin exemising, pushthe handlebar away withyour arms
while pushing the pedals away with your legs. Returnto the
startingposition. This completes one repetition. Repeat,
movingwith a smooth,continuousmotion. Forthe best
msuits, move through the full rangeof motion and maintaina
steady pace. CAUTION: To avoid Injury, keep your back
stralghL Do not arch your back.
7 33
To convert the CARDIO FIT PLUS to the pullmode, hold
the Handlebar Frame (7) with one hand and holdthe Handle
(20) with the other hand. Lift the Handle to disconnectthe
LinkArms (4) from the Handlebar Frame. Pivot the
Handlebar Frame away from the seat and hookthe Link
Arms onto the lower Rollers (33) on the Handlebar Frame.
CAUTION: Make sure that the Link Arms are securely
connected to the lower Rollers.
Sit on the seat, place your feet on the pedals,and hold the
handlebar. Your bands can be positioned on the top, sides
or bottom of the handlebar, close together or far apart, or in
an overhand or underhand grip. If necessary, adjustthe
position of the seat (see page 5).
To begin exercising, pull the handlebar toward your waist
while pushing the pedals away with your legs. Return to the
starting position.This completes one repetition. Repeat,
moving with a smooth, continuous motion. For the best
results, move through the full range of motion and maintain
a steady pace. CAUTION: To avoid injury, keep your
back straight. Do not arch your back.