Our Web site at wwwJFiT,com allows you to access
basic programs, audio programs, and video programs
directly from the internet, Additionai options are soon to
be avaHabie, See wwwJFiT,com for details,
To use programs from our Web site, the treadmHi must
be connected to your home computer, See HOW TO
addition, you must have an internet connection and
an internet service provider, A Hstof specific system re-
quirements is found on our Web site,
Follow the steps bellow to use a program from our
Web site,
insert the key into the consote.
See HOW TO TURN ON THE POWER on page 10,
Select the iFIT.com mode.
To select
the iFiT,com
mode, press
the iFiT,com
button, The
ietters "iFHT"
wili appear in the dispiay,
iFIT __
Go to your computer and start an internet
Start your web browser, if necessary, and go to
our Web site at www.iFIT.com.
Follow the desired tinks on our Web site to se-
tecta program.
Read and follow the onqine instructions for using a
Follow the on-tins instructions to start the
When you start the program, an on-screen count-
down will begin,
Return to the treadmill and stand on the foot
rails. Find the clip attached to the key and sJide
the clip onto the waistband of your clothes.
When the on-screen countdown ends, the program
wiii begin and the walking belt wiii begin to move,
Hold the handrails, step onto the walking belt, and
begin walking, During the program, an electronic
"chirping" sound will alert you when the speed
and/or incline of the treadmill is about to change,
CAUTION: AJways listen for the "chirp" and be
prepared for speed and/or incline changes.
if the speed or incline settings are too high or too
low, you can manually override the settings at any
time by pressing the Speed or Incline buttons on
the console, However, when the next "chirp" is
heard, the speed and/or incJine wilt change to
the next settings for the program.
To stop the walking belt at any time, press the
Stop button on the console, The time wiii begin to
flash in the display, To restart the program, press
the Start button or the Speed + button, After a mo-
ment, the walking belt will begin to move at 1,0
mph, When the next "chirp" is heard, the speed
and incJine witt change to the next settings of
the program,
When the program is completed, the walking belt
will stop, Note: To use another program, press the
Stop button and go to step 5,
Note: If the speed and/or incJine of the treadmill
does not change when a "chirp" is heard, make
sure that the tetters "iFIT" appear in the display
and that the time is not flashing in the display.
In addition, make sure that the audio cable is
properly connected.
Fottow your progress with the disptay.
See step 5 on page 10,
When you are finished exercising, remove the
key from the consote.
See step 7 on page 13,