The followingguidelineswill help you to plan your
exercise program. Remember that proper nutrition
end adequate rest are essential for successful results.
To maximize the benefits of exercising, it is important
to exercise with the proper intensity. The properinten-
sity level can be found by using your heart rate as a
guide. For effective aerobic exercise, your heart rate
shouldbe maintained at a level between 70% and
85% ofyour maximum heart rate as you exercise.
This isknown as your training zone. You can find your
trainingzone in the table below. Training zones are
listedfor both unconditioned and conditioned persons
according to age.
Training Zone
Age (Beats/Min.)
20 138-167
25 136-166
30 135-164
35 134-162
40 132-161
45 131-159
50 129-156
55 127-155
60 126-153
65 125-151
70 123-150
75 122-147
80 120-146
85 118-144
During the firstfew months ofyour exercise program,
keep your heart rate near the low end ofyour training
zone as you exercise. After a few months, your heart
rate can be increased gradually until it is near themid-
dle ofyourtraining zone asyou exercise.
To measure
your heart rate,
stop exercising
and place two
fingers on your "
wrist as shown.
Take a six-sec-
ond heartbeat
count, and mul-
Uply the result
by 10 to find
your heart rate. For example, ifyour six-second heart-
beatcount is 14, your heart rate Is 140 beats per
minute. (A six-second count is used because your
heart rate willdrop rapidlywhen you stop exercising.)
Adjust the intensityof your exercise until your heart
rateis at the proper level.
A well-roundedworkoutincludesthe following three
A warm-up phase, lasting5 to 10 minutes. Begin
with slow, controlledstretches, and progressto more
rhythmicstretches toincrease the body temperature,
heart rate and circulationin preparation for strenuous
exercise. Stretchingalso guards against muscle, ten-
donand ligament sprains. (See SUGGESTED
STRETCHES onpage 13.)
A cardiovascular phase, including 20 to 30 minutes
ofexercisingwith your heart rate in your trainingzone.
A cool-down phase, consistingof 5 to10 mi!3utes of
activitysimilarto thatof the.wa_'m_p p_ase=."_
Thorough stretching'offs_i_uscle contractionsand
othe[_problemscaused when you stop exercisingsud-
deni_'.Stretchingfor increased flexibility isoften most
effectiveduringthis phase. This phase shouldleave
you relaxed and comfortablytired.
Instead of waitingfor a convenient time to exercise,
plana specifictime. The morning hours work well for
many, andthe self-disciplinerequired to rise early and
exercise often carries throughthe day to help
increase productivityin other areas. For some, exer-
cisingbefore dinnerinitiates a period of windingdown
from the day's activities.Whatever time you choose,
be consistentand stickwith it.
To maintain or improve your condition, complete three
workoutseach week, with at least one day of rest
between workoiJts.After a few months of regularexer-
cise, you may complete up to five workouts each
week, ifdesired. Remember, the key to success is