A well-roundedworkoutdevelopsthe heart, muscles and
body composition by including thefollowing phases:
A warm-up phase, lasting 5 to 10 minutes. Beginwith
slow,controlled stretches,and progress tomore rhythmic
stretchesto increasethebody temperature,heart rate
and circulation in preparation for strenuousexercise.
Stretchingalso guards againstmuscle,tendonand liga-
ment sprains.(SeeSUGGESTEDSTRETCHESon page 13.)
A cardiovascularphase, including 20-30 minutes of
exercisingwith yourheart rate in your training zone.
A cool-down phase,consisting of 5-10 minutes of activ-
itysimilarto that of the warm-up phase.Thorough
stretchingoffsetsmusclecontractions and otherproblems
caused when you stopexercisingsuddenly.Stretchingfor
increasedflexibilityisoftenmosteffectiveduring this
phase.This phase shouldleaveyou relaxedand comfort-
ably tired.
Insteadofwaiting for a convenient timetoexercise,plan
a specifictime. The morninghours work well for many,
and the self-discipline required to riseearly and exercise
oftencarries through the day to helpincreaseproductivi-
ty in otherareas. Forsome,exercisingbefore dinner ini-
tiatesa period of winding down fromthe day's activities.
Whatever timeyou choose, be consistentand stickwith it.
To maintainor improveyour condition, complete three
workouts each week, with at least one day of rest
between workouts.After a few monthsof regular exer-
cise, you may complete up to fiveworkoutseach week, if
desired.Remember,the key tosuccessisCONSISTENCY.
Exerciseclothing shouldbe comfortable and allow unre-
strictedmovement. Do not wear rubberized or plastic
clothing that can interfere with the evaporation of sweat
from your skin. Always wear athletic shoes that are flexi-
ble and provide good protection and support.
Creating a more active lifestyle, in addition to establish-
ing a regular exercise program, will help you to achieve
your fitness goals. It's easy to improveyour lifestyle by
making a few changes in your daily routine:
Keep yourself moving throughout the day. Use the stairs
instead of the elevator. Parka half mile away from work
or get off the bus a couple of blocks before your stop
and walk the remaining distance.
Increasemidday productivity,creativity and energy by
replacing a heavy lunchwith a lightmeal. Spend the
extra timein physicalactivitysuchas walking.
Substitute manually-operated devicesfor automatic
equipment such as ia,_n-care machinery, power tools
and snow removers.
Stop smoking;smokingnearlydoublesthe risk of coro-
nary heart disease.(FramingtonHeart Study)
R_uce or eliminate alcoholconsumption. Alcohol isa
major cause of liver problems and other health disor-
ders. (Office of Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion) . .__
Reduce yourintake of fat. Lessthan 30% of the calories
you consume each day shouldcome from fat. Excessive
fat consumption hasbeen linkedto numerouscausesof
death, includingheart diseaseand cancer.
Know and keepa record of yourcholesterol level,blood
pressure and otherhealth information.Keepyour blood
pressure below 140/90; keeping it below 125/85 is