b.If the walking belt has shifted to the right, firstremove the key
and UNPLUG THE POWER CORD. Using the 3/16" allen
wrench, turn the left rear roller adjustment bolt counterclockwise,
and the right bolt clockwise, 1/4 of a turn each. Be careful not to
overtighten the walking belt. Plug in the power cord, insert the
key and run the treadmill for a few minutes. Repeat until the
walking belt is centered.
c. If the walking belt slipswhen walked on, first remove the key and
UNPLUG THE POWER CORD. Using the 3/16" allen wrench,
turnboth rear roller adjustment boltsclockwise, 1/4 of a turn.
When the walking belt is correctlytightened, you shouldbe able to
lift each side of the walking belt 3-4 inches offthe walking plat-
form. The center of the walking belt shouldjust touchthe walking
platform. Be carefultokeep the walkingbelt centered. Pluginthe
powercord, insert the key and run the treadmill for a few minutes.
Repeat untilthe walking belt ispropedytightened.
Unplug the power cord when the treadmill is not in use.
Remove the lefthandrail cap and the two bolts from the lower end of
the lefthandrail (see drawing 1).
Using the 7132"allen wrench, remove the bolt from the upper end of
the left handrail (see drawing 2). Slide the handrail out and lay it on
the treadmill.
Remove the right handrail cap and the bolt from the lower end of the
right handrail. Loosen the other boltin the handrail (see drawing 3).
Lay the righthandrail on the treadmill.
It is recommended that the treadmill be covered during extended peri-
ods of storage.