incline, the speed will automatically decrease; ifyou
decrease the incline, the speed will automatically
increase. The console willalways attempt to keep
your pulse near a predetermined setting. When the
inclineroaches the highest setting, the speed can-
not be decreased any further. When the incline
reaches the lowest setting, the speed cannot be
increased any further.
Note: To stop the program temporarily, press the
START/PAUSE button.The TIME display will begin
toflash. To restart the program, pressthe
START/PAUSE button again. The program will
resume and the walking belt will return to the latest
speed setting. To terminate the program before the
programiscompleted, press the STOP button.
B Follow you_ progress with the five displays and
the TRAINING ZONE monitor.
See TRAINING ZONE MONITOR on pages 12 and
_J When you are finished exercising, stop the walk-
ing belt and remove the key.
Step ontothe foot rails, stop the walking belt, and re-
move the key from the console. Store the key in a
secure place. In addition, move the on/off switchto
the "off"pos'_on. (See the drawing near the bottom
ofpage 10.)
To use the FITNESS TEST program, follow the steps
g Make sure that the key Is fully inserted into the
Stand on the foot rails
and insertthe key.
Various displays and
indicatorswill light.
Find the clipattached
tothe key, and slide it
ontothe waistband of
your clothing.
Select the FITNESS TEST program.
gram, press the MCOE
MODE button repeat-
edly until the FIT- V _n- A
NESS TEST indicator
lights. Note: Ifthe
walking belt is moving, it willslow to a stop.
Enter your welghL
When the FITNESS TEST program is selected, the
letters "LbS" will flash in the CALORIES display.
You must enter your weight and age before this pro-
gram can be started. To enter your weight, see step
3 on page 11. If you have already entered your
weight, you must press one of the WEIGHT buttons
to verify the weight setting.
Enter your age.
After you have completed step 3, the letters "AGE"
will flash in the PULSE display. To enter your age,
see step 4 on page 11. If you have already entered
your age, you must press one of the AGE buttons to
verify the age setting.
_o_ [] Put on the pulse sensor.
The pulse sensor
The FITNESS TEST program is designed to measure
your relativd fitness level. For the best results, the
FITNESS TEST should be taken at a time when your
energy Ievel is high. The FITNESS TEST should not be
taken if you have already exercised during the day.
The FITNESS TEST program consists of seven 4-
minute periods, and is followed by a 2-minute cool-
down period. The speed and/or incline of the treadmill
will automaticaUy increase at the beginning of each 4-
minute period.
must be worn when
program is used. To
put on the pulse sen-
sor, see HOW TO
SENSOR on page 8. Plug the pulse sensor fully into
the jack on the front of the console. Note: The FIT-
NESS TEST program can be started without your
pulse being detected; however, the program will au-
tomatically stop if your pulse isnot detected 4 min-
utes after the program is started.