Troubleshooting with error codes
The 88800F electronics continuously runs a self
check. If it finds an irregularity, the electronic con-
soie will display an error code, and stop normal
_..__R_RCOnE _.RRIPT!O N
For "FI" or "F2" error code _ Foiiow ihe Cali-
bratin0 speed then the Resetting error codes pro-
cedures below to reset the treadmill for normal op-
For "F3" error code; Follow the Calibrating % in-
cline then the Resetting error codes procedures
below to reset the treadmill for normal operation,
Calibrating Speedand %Incline :
NOTE: tf you need a_istatice,:ptease contact
your nearest authorized serv/¢e center before
attempting the following procedures.
(pleas{i note model number and .set_al #). -:
Faiflxre to do so may void your warranty, ....
Calibrating Speed ..
1. Press and hal.__dtile "ONIOFF" butlon to tfghf
up o!l the segments of LEDs.
2. Press.and hold the set Program butlanB,
IV!/ttl%l l l;:Itl/4i'_t,,C
3. Release the set Program button, a eep"
wit! follow enabling the calibration mode.
4. Release the N!OFF button. All displayv, nn-
dows w41lbe blank,
5, Press the peed Slow button, SP L v,_ll
dispfay in the Time window and the running belt
_peed v4lt display in the Calones window. Use the
Speed fast end slow buttons to adjust the mini-
mum running belt sp_ed to I]0 M.P.H. Do not ad-
jt_s{ default values for Speed
6. Pres_ the taWStt_p, butlon to _et the low
Speed and enter the Speed high mode,
71 P h will display in the Time window and the
runn)r_g bell speed will display In the Calories win-
dow. Us_ lhe peed fast and stow 6uttons10
adjust the maximum running belt speed to 10.0
Do not adjust default va|ues for speed.
B. Press the tartlStop: button to set the !0.O
mph speed and lo quElhe:calibratlon mode.
Calibrating %Incl(rle. :=.
. --.-
1. Press and hold the "ON/OFF" button to )!ght.
up all'dle segments of-LEDs:
2+ Press and hold the set PrDgram buttons,.
3. Release the see Program button, a eep"
will follow enabling the calibration mode.
4. Releaseihe NtOFF button. Alldisplayw)n_
dow6 willbe blank. . .
5. Pressthe INCLINE UPbutton. Lu now
displays in the T_me display. The treadmill auto-
maifcafly adiusts to the highest possible %Incline.
Allow the elevation system,- and numbel in the
CALORIE v4ndow to stabilize.
6. Once the number lias stabilized in the Calorie
window, press the tart/Stop button to set and
prompt the computer to find the IowesI wIue for
%Incline. L d now displays in the TIME win-
7. Once the elevation system and number-have
stabilized press lhe tarUStop button to finish
calibration of %Incline,
Resetting error €odes
In the rare event of the treadmill displayinl]--ah Or.
roe code (th_ letter " followed byanumbeQ on
the computer display pleas e follow the_a!nstru_
tlon_ to resLlme normal opera, on: : :
. _ - . .. .,;_- .,,- ..:
1. Press and hold the "ON/OFF" button tOtight
up all the segments of LEDsw: " L.
2., : PCesS andheld lhe _i-:-ser P_'dg[an(. buttohSL::
..... t -- , .... -
3, : Release....the " set prog(am b{itton;;l:_/,eep"
w_tl follow enabling the calibratibn.mode_i-...::
4; Release the NtOFF' button. All display win-
dows are now blank or:off.
5. Press the Program INTERVAL button. The.
RR code should now be removed and your
treadmill should now be ready for normaluse.
Before proceeding ensure that the treadmill
power is off and that it is unplugged from the elec-
Iflcaloutlet. ,_-To remove dust use a small vacuum
nozzle to carefully vacuum around all ,Asibte com-
ponents. ,_r To remove film or dirt use a slightly
damp rag with a mild cleaning ageni sprayed onto
the rag only. ,_r Carefu! not to immerse any tread-
mill component with any liquids.
Inspect Fasteners and Wiring
Check that all fasteners are properly tightened and
atf wiring is securely in place. _ To avoid damag-
ing fasieners, do not over tighten.
The treadmill has been designed and equipped '_th
wheels for easy mobfllly. _'- Before moving, en-
sure the ma,_er power swffch is in the off position
and the power cord is unplugged from the electri-
cal outlet. ,r Liftthe front or rear end of the tread-
mill, then roll the treadmill to the desired position.
Store your treadmill in a clean and dry environ-
ment. Ensure the master power s_,,4tch is off and
is unplugged f_om the electrical wall outlet,