Chrome drip bowls
Brown food stains
Detergent and water, plastic scouring
pads, mild abrasive cleaners, soap-
Bo_Is can permanently disc if !
exp )sed to excessive heat or if soil
is allowed to bake on.
After each use, wash, rinse and dr7 to
prevent difficult soils. If heavily soiled,
Blue/gold heat
filled scouring pads, ammonia
Metal Polish
place an ammonia-soaked paper towel on
stains to loosen sell, then gentl scrub
with plastic scouring pad.
These stains are caused by overheating,
normally occur over a period of ti_ _, and
usually are permanent.
To minimize:
1. Avoidexcessh/euseof the highheatsetting. Useitto startcooking,then lowerthe he ,g]
to finish cooking.
2. Use flat bottom pans that do not extend more than two Inches from the surface element.
The control knobs may be removed for easy cleaning by
pulling the knob straight off stem. Be sure that the knob
is in the OFF position before removal.
Hint: Slip a thin cloth (such as a handkerchief) or a piece
of string under and around the knob edge and pull up.
Caution: Read these instructions carefully be-
fore replacing the knobs. Replacing the knobs
improperly will damage the knobs and the spring
clip on the stems. If this happens, the knobs will
fit loosely.
To replace the knob:
1. The knob stem has a groove In each side. The groove
on one side has a spring clip. The other groove is
clear (see Illustration).
2. Checktheinsideoftheknobandlindthemolded rib.
3. Replace the knob by fitting the molded rib inside the
knob into the clear groove on the stem.
The cooktop elements can be unplugged and the bowls
removed for cleaning.
Be sure all cooktop unit control knobs are turned
off and elements are cool before you remove or
replace a cooktop unit.
To remove=
; Grasp element, tilt it upward slightly to clear the
bowl, then pull away from the receptacle. The element
will not sit level when replaced if it is forced tQo far
upward when removed.
2. See the Cleaning Tips Section about information or',
cleaning reflector bowls.
3. Lift out the bowl.
Do not put the element into water. It cleans itself when
heated during normal use.
Do not lift a plug-in unit more than 1". if you do, it may
not lie flat on the drip pan when you plug it back in.
Repeated lifting of the plug-In unit more than 1" above
the drip pan can permanently damage the receptacle.
IMPORTANT: Never operate a cooktop element
without the bowl in place. This can cause
scorching of the cooktop, burning of wiring insu-
lation an_f loss of energy,
1 Replace the bowt. Besurethereceptacleisshowing
in the bowl opening.
2. Slide the plug of t he element firmly into the receptacle
and lower the element into place.