Water Pressure(rnln-rnax) 15 psi- I(30psl 103 kPa - 690 kPa
Temperature (mln-max) 40°F - 100°F 4°C - 38°C
pH 6,5 - 8,5 6,5 - 8.5
Iron 0 ppm - 0.3 ppm 0 rngL - 0.3 rngL
Manganese 0 ppm - 0.05 ppm 0 mgL - 0,05 mgL
Hydrogen Sulfide None None
Turbidity Lessthan 5 NTU Lessthan 5 NTU
Bacteria _ Must be potable Must be potable
This System contains a replaceable Filter, model number RCCWF, which must be
replaced at regular Intervals to maintain proper performance. Use only factory
approved filters. For parts or service, please contact the outlet where your unit was
purchased or contact EeoWater at 1-800-86WATER (1-800-869-2837) or at the address
qhe _CCWF C_rt_Ige does not flite¢ or _JHbocterla _ vl_e_ do not _e thl_ _y3tem wlth water that i_mlcr o blolOglcally
uns_:;fe or with water of unknov_n quality wlthou t adequate _nfectlon before or ati_" the _ystem.
Thls ddnklng water system conforms to ANSI/NSF Std, 53 for Lead and Turbldity reduction and ANSIINSF Std 42
for Chlorine (Class I) and Taste ar_l Odor €eduction as verlfled and substantfate_ by test data, Fo_conditions
of use, health claims certified by the Cotlfornla Department or Health Services, and replacement parts, see
product data sheet. Cartfc_nla Dept. of Health Certlflcate Number 97-1311
Caution: Do net use wlth water that I_microblologlcaily unsafe or of unknown quallt¥ without adequate
disinfection before or offer the system.
EcoWater Systems
PO Box 64420, St. Paul, MN 55164
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