Common Problems When Using the Bake Mode
Problem May be caused by What to do
Cookies burn on the
Oven door opened too often. Set timer to shortest recommended cooking
time and check food when timer beeps. Use
door window to check food.
Incorrect rack position used. Change rack position.
Dark, heat absorbing cookie sheets used. Use shiny, reective cookie sheets.
Cookies are too brown
on top.
Rack position being used is too high. Change rack position.
Food placed in oven during preheat. Wait until oven is preheated.
Incorrect baking mode being used. See Select from the Following on page 10
for guidelines.
Cakes burn on the sides
or are not done in the
Oven temperature too high. Reduce oven temperature.
Dark, heat absorbing cake pans used. Use shiny, reective cake pans.
Cakes crack on top. Oven temperature too high. Reduce oven temperature.
Cakes are not level. Oven and/or oven rack not level. Level oven and rack as needed.
Pies burn around the
edges or are not done
in the center.
Oven temperature too high. Reduce oven temperature.
Dark, heat absorbing pans used. Use shiny, reective pans.
Oven and/or rack over-crowded. Reduce number of pans.
Operating Your Oven
Understanding the Various Oven Modes
The three basic styles of cooking in an oven are:
Baking:◊ The gentle cooking of dry goods such as cookies, cakes, soufés, etc.
Roasting:◊ The cooking of meats or vegetables over a period of time.
Broiling:◊ Cooking with an intense heat for a short amount of time.
Uses only a heat source from below the food. This mode
is the stand-by, non-convection mode. All baked items will
turn out nicely in this mode.
Baking Tips
Follow your recipe’s original cooking time and tem-•
Do not open the oven door frequently during baking. •
Look through the oven door window to check the
progress of baking whenever possible.
Use the timers to determine baking time.•
Use the lowest rack position.•
Wait until the shortest recommended baking time •
before checking the food. For most baked goods, a
wooden toothpick placed in the center should come
clean when the food is done.