L-1681BH Rev. C 6
Figure 5.
The key to years of trouble-free service is to keep your
Lawn Roller clean and dry.
Occasionally check all moving parts for free movement
and, if necessary, lubricate with oil.
Should rust develop, sand lightly and then paint area with
Periodically check all fasteners for tightness.
Rollers yield the best results when ground conditions are
correct, and equipment is operated at less than 3 MPH.
To calibrate your tractor to 3 MPH.
Measure a distance of 20 feet on a flat level surface.
Adjust tractor throttle and select a gear to cover this
distance in 4.5 seconds.
NOTE: For PRC-241 Version Only!!
1/2" Lock Washer
Qty. 1
1/2" Hex Nut
Qty. 1
1/2" x 2-1/4 Hex Bolt
Qty. 1
CAUTION! Do not overload your Tractor/Rider. Roller
fully loaded with water weighs:
PRC-241 BH = 270 lbs.
PRT-361 BH = 690 lbs.
PRT-361S BH = 390 lbs.
PRT-481S BH = 485 lbs.
Refer to tractor manual to determine proper towing
capacity or your Tractor/Rider.
Fill the Roller with amount of water recommended for your
tractor/ rider. Screw in the plug (plug has pipe threads
and may not screw all the way in) and tighten securely.
For longest life, drain the Roller and leave the plug out
when not in use. Please note that sand may be used in
place of water with no risk of freezing.
Ground condition is vital to good leveling. Soil should be
moist, but not muddy.
Refer to your Tractor or Riding Mower Owner’s manual for
proper towing capacity and safe operation of your towing
equipment. Towing/Stopping distances will be greatly
affected by added weight of roller.