The suction motor reset will shut the motor off if air-
flow is sufficiently restricted to cause motor overheat-
ing and possible damage to the vacuum cleaner.
Once the reset goes into effect, the vacuum cleaner
will not operate for approximately 10 minutes. At this
time the unit should be unplugged from the electri-
cal outlet and checked for clogging. Follow the
instructions under "CLOG REMOVAL" on page 15.
Even though dust bags may appear to be not full,
there are times when airflow through them may
become severely restricted. Thiscan happen from
picking up fine dust particle materials such as plaster
dust, talc or other powders. These materials can clog
the pores in the bag and close off airflow, causing
the reset button to go into effect. If this condition
exists, the bag must be changed. See "BAG CHANG-
ING" instructions staffing on page 9.
When all airflow passages are clean, the dust bag
• has been checked to be satisfactory, and approxi-
mately 10 minutes have passed, use a pencil, ball
point pen tip or similar item to push the reset button
back in. See nstruct ons n the Ilustrat on to the right.
The reset button must be pushed in for the vacuum
cleaner to resume operation.
Set the unit upright, plug the power cord in and
restart the unit. If it does not restart, wait an addition-
al five minutes. Try again. If it still does not staff, call
Sears for service.
Disconnectelectrical supplybeforeservicingor
cleaning the unit.Failuretodo socould resultin
electrical shockor personalinjuryfromcleaner sud-
denly starting.
Frequently check and remove hair, string and lint
build-up in the brush area. If build-up becomes
excessive, follow the steps below. Should the belt
become loose or should it break, follow the Belt
Removal instructions.
Disconnect electrical supply.
The handle must be pulled down and the cleaner
turned over.
Release the lower plate by pushing the tabs in
toward the center,