
The atmospheric pressure has risen unusually.
The atmospheric pressure is rising greatly.
The atmospheric pressure has fallen unusually.
The weather is very likely to improve.
The atmospheric pressure is rising slightly.
The weather is likely to improve.
The atmospheric pressure is almost stable.
The current weather will continue.
The atmospheric pressure is falling slightly.
The weather is likely to worsen.
The atmospheric pressure is falling greatly.
The weather is very likely to worsen.
The atmospheric pressure change indicator indicates the change in the atmospheric pressure
compared to the measurement made 3 hours earlier.
The changes are indicated every 30 minutes using a scale divided into 10 grades according to the
rate of pressure increase or decrease.
The weather changes correspondingly with changes in atmospheric pressure. The indicator
provides a general guideline to know the weather in the coming hours.
The atmospheric pressure change indicator indicates the change in the atmospheric pressure
compared to the measurement made 3 hours earlier. “ 2” means that the atmospheric pressure rose
by 2 hPa compared to the measurement made 3 hours earlier. (The atmospheric pressure change
indicator is so designed as to exclude the pressure change caused by moving to a different altitude.)
The atmospheric pressure change indicator provides only a general guideline to know the weather and
should not be considered to provide an accurate weather forecast.
In case of sudden shower in summer and snowfall in winter in the areas facing the Sea of Japan, the
atmospheric pressure change indicator will not indicate the change or indicate the change in the
opposite direction.
By using the atmospheric pressure change indicator together with the weather information provided in
the newspaper, you can know when the weather will improve or worsen.
The atmospheric pressure change indicator is so designed as to exclude the pressure change caused
by moving to a different altitude to the utmost. In case that the altitude changes frequently, it may not
indicate the pressure change properly. For example, it may indicate “HIGH” as the altitude increases
and “LOW” as it decreases.
When the atmospheric pressure change indicator is affected by altitude change, indicating “HIGH” or
“LOW”, it takes approximately two hours after one stays at an altitude for the indicator to show the
pressure change properly.
The atmospheric pressure change indicator shows a new indication every 30 minutes, namely after
making three 10-minute interval measurements.