• Themechanismofmechanicalwatchesisdifferentfromthatofquartz
When setting the time, make sure to turn back the minute hand a little
behind the desired time and then advance it to the exact time.
3. Pull out the crown to the second click when the small second hand is at the 12
o’clock position. (The small second hand stops on the spot.)
Turn the crown to advance the hands until the date changes to the next. The time
is now set for the a.m. period. Advance the hands to set the correct time.
4. Push the crown back in to the normal position in accordance with a time
It is necessary to adjust the date on the first day after a month that has less than
31 days.
• Donotsetthedatebetween8:00p.m.and2:00a.m.Ifyoudoso,the
date may not change properly on the following day or malfunction of the
watch may occur.
Date adjustment at the beginning of the month
Ex.) To adust the date in the a.m. period
on the first day of a month following a
30-day month.
1. The watch displays “31” instead of "1".
Pull out the crown to the first click.
2. Turn the crown to set the date to “1”
and then push the crown back in to the
normal position.