The SI1 019 A is an intrared transmitter tor wireless multi-channel systems, wh ich are used in
conterence and interpreter installations. Its tunction is to process sound signals in the way that they
can be transmitted to a multi-channel receiver through invisible intrared light. In the receivers
EKI1 019-6, EKI1 019-9, EKI1 019-12 the modulated intrared signal will be transtormed again into
audible signals.
SZI1019 A
I .
SI 1019A
Fig. 1: Principle ot intrared transmission
HD 410 D
The unit is build up in 19"-modular technique and is mainly composed ot the tollowing componets:
housing SIG 1019, chassis SIC 1019 A 20, power supply module SIS 1019 A 20 and channel
module SIK 1019 A (channel 0 to channeI11).
Description of components:
Chassis SIC 1019 A 20
The 19"-chassis ofters enough space tor one power supply module SIS 1019 A 20 and 9 channel
modules SIK 1019 A. It contains a mains transtormer, the rear wiring tor connecting the separate
channel modules as weil as the output sockets tor the RF-connections to the intrared radiators
SZI1 019 and SZI1 019 A. The chassis is suitable tor installation in 19"-racks but can also be used
as a table top unit together with the housing SIG 1019 or the carrying case EMK 1036. Unoccupied
module places can be covered with the cover plates SIB 1019.
The chassis comes with the mains cord
VZN 1010-1.
Power supply module SIS 1019 A 20
This module delivers the power required tor the channel modules as weil as tor the SZI1 019
radiators. Its section tor the channel modules is split up into!wo separately stabilized units, one tor
positions 0 to 3 and a second one tor positions 4 to 8. it one ot the supply voltages breaks down
one ot the LEDs @,0, or @on the tront panel will go out.
In addition to the stabilizer stages, the SIS 1019 A 20 has an RF master amplitier which mixes the
signals trom the channel modules and amplities them up to the level required by the intrared radia-
Channel module SIK1019
The signal from a mixing console etc. is ted into the SIK 1019 A channel module. The balanced
input is adjustable tor input levels ranging trom 60 mV to 3 V.A high-grade limiter eliminates over-
modulation where the input level is too high. The RF-outputsignalot the channel module is ted into
the RFmaster amplitier ot the SIS 1019 A 20.
The SIK 1019 A is available in 12 versions according to the 12 possible intrared channels K 0 -
K 11, which are named behind the designation (example: SIK 1019 A K 1).
The On/Oft switch W, the level control @ and the modulation control @)are situated on the front
- The chassis is suitable tor installation in 19"-racks.The AF-cabling is done on the tront side but
can be changed, if necesary, to the rear. As the AF-connections are accessible on the rear wiring
~P.C. board the electrical connection is easily done. The AF-sockets, which must be retrotitted, can
,Jbe installed in the rear sheet metalot the chassis or in the rack.
- After turning the plastic teet ot the metal housing by 1800 the SI1 019 A is stackable wlth other
units. For that unscrew screws A and Band turn the teet (see tig. 2 + 3).
stallation of control transmitter
, e chassis issuitable tor installation in 19"-racks but can also be used as a desk unit In connec-
on with the housing SIG 1019 or the carrying case EMK 1036 (fig.4 + 5). In any case the transmit-
ter should get enough ventilation.
Fig.4: SI1019 A+ SIG 1019 Fig. 5: SI1 019 A + EMK 1036
I 1 11 11