Sharing a Single Phone Line
The Power On/Off +Aux control unit, using relays, achieves line-sharing by controlling when the LINE port is continuous
to the M
ODEM and AUX ports. With the +Aux Feature enabled, all normal or routine incoming calls are ignored (with
respect to power control) and effectively routed to only the A
UX device. To reach the MODEM and activate power control
functions, a two-call method must be used.
In an idle state, both the M
ODEM and AUX ports remain engaged to allow either device the capacity to place outbound
calls. However, with all routine (direct) inbound calls, both ports will only remain enabled for the first two rings. After
the second ring, the M
ODEM port is disabled - only the AUX port will remain engaged for the third and subsequent rings.
Hence, modem access is hidden and the auxiliary device will answer (on the third or higher ring) and operate as usual.
NOTE: In general, Both the auxiliary device(required) and
the modem(recommended) should be configured to answer
calls on the third or higher RING. See the "Modem Priority Option" section on the following page for more information.
Summary: With all routine calls, the modem will never receive more than two RINGs. Thus, with the modem
configured to answer on ring three (3), it will always be disguised.
The 'Secret'
To access the modem and activate power control functions, the caller must use a specific two-call method. The first call
must RING only once, followed by hang-up. This action, after 10 seconds, will wake-up or 'prime' the Power On/Off
+Aux control unit for a two minute period. This first call does not affect the on or off power state of the Intelligent
Power Module. During the two minute period, the AUX port will be disabled while the MODEM is enabled and remains
enabled. The second call, within the two minute window, will reach only the M
ODEM and will be counted toward all
power control functions. In other words, calls intended to reach the modem, or to control power, must first be preceded
by a one ring/hang-up sequence.
NOTE: Placing the 'priming' call (one ring/hang-up) can be done from either a modem or a standard telephone.
Technical NOTE: Because the telephone company RING signal is not always synchronized between the calling and
receiving parties, the first call is allowed to RING up to two (2) times to wake-up the Power On/Off +Aux. To ensure a
successful 'priming' it is best to place the call, wait for one RING to be heard, wait a couple of seconds
, then hang-up.
This should assure that at least one RING, but not more than two RINGs, reaches the Power On/Off +Aux unit. Be sure
to wait 10 seconds before placing the second call.
Remote Power On/Off +Aux Feature • 29