T: 0800 0124 382
Your Fridge Freezer contains a series of LEDs hidden within the door handles and an interior light
(that is illuminated upon door opening). To turn the LEDs and interior light on:
Press the button for at least 3 seconds until is displayed on the Control
To turn the LEDs and interior light off:
Press the button for at least 3 seconds until is displayed. on the Control
Please Note: If the mode is selected, the LEDs will be continuously illuminated unless
Night Sensor Mode has been activated (see below) in which case the LEDs will only illuminate
once your Fridge Freezer has detected that its is dark enough for them to do so.
Night Sensor Mode
This is an energy saving mode that only turns your LEDs on when the built-in sensor detects that
the ambient light is low enough for them to be required. To activate Night Sensor Mode:
Press the button and the button simultaneously for at least 3 seconds until
is displayed on the Control Panel.
To de-activate Night Sensor Mode:
Press the button and the button simultaneously for at least 3 seconds
until is no longer shown on the Control Panel.