
RC12 12/05 Maintenance Section 5-6
© 2004 Alamo Group Inc.
Never hammer edge of pulley which may crack. To move assembly, a soft blow hammer may be
used on bushing only.
If the pulley is free and the bushing is still tight on shaft, it may be necessary to wedge a screwdriver in saw slot
of bushing to loosen and move hub.
Do not apply excessive force which may split bushing.
Never apply lubrication to threads or mating surfaces when assembling pulley and bushing.
After correctly locating hub and placing key in shaft keyway, move pulley into position over taper hub and align
tapped holes with through holes in hub. Install all mounting cap screws . Carefully tighten the cap screws
alternately and progressively until tapers are seated. Check alignment of pulley and proceed to carefully
tighten to 40 ft lbs torque. Maximum torque should be reached on each individual bolt only twice in the
consecutive tightening.