Note: If you have set Option Setting 10 to "OFF" and you hear a fax tone when
you pick up the handset, you must press the START key to begin reception.
Receiving documents on an extension phone
If you hear a soft fax tone when you answer an extension phone, wait until your fax
answers (the extension phone will go dead if it is connected to your fax, or you will
hear pronounced high-pitched fax tones if the phone is connected to a separate
wall jack), and then hang up. Your fax will automatically receive the document.
Note: If your fax does not respond within 5 seconds, noise on the line may be pre-
venting it from detecting the fax tone. In this case, manually activate fax re-
ception as described in the following paragraph.
If the other party first talks to you and then wants to send a document, press "
"*" and "*" if you are on a touch tone phone. If you are on a pulse dial phone, set
the handset down (do not hang up), walk over to the fax, pick up the handset, and
press the
Note: Your fax will not accept the signal to begin reception ("5", "*", and "*") if a
document is loaded in its feeder.
If you have set Option Setting 10 to "OFF" and hear a fax tone when you answer
the extension phone, you must press "5", "*", and "*" if you are on a touch-tone
phone, or walk over to the fax, pick up the handset, and press the START key if
you are on a pulse dial phone.
The code used to activate fax reception from a touch-tone extension phone ("5",
"*", and "*") can be changed if desired. See Option Setting 5 ("Tel/Fax Remote
Number") in Chapter 8, "Optional Settings".
If you do not intend to use the code for activating fax reception, you can turn
detection of the code off by resetting Option Setting 6. This will ensure that the
fax never mistakenly attempts to begin reception if it detects a signal similar to
"5", "*", and "*" while you are talking on an extension phone.